Chapter 30: balloon

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You know how when you were little you would get balloons and let them go off into the sky, and pray that they would end up In heaven? I wish that actually happened. I wish I could write a letter to someone who died, tie it to a balloon, and let it go into heaven so that they could read what I have to say to them. But that's not reality. Reality sucks, and if there was a way to go to a whole different planet and stay there the rest of my life, I would totally go. That's would be pretty awesome. But until scientists figure out a way to get me to Mars, I don't think I'll be leaving reality any time soon.
"Mr Espinosa, would you please tell us the fourth president of the United States?" My teacher asks. I lift my head up from the desk and look at the chalkboard.
"I..uh...George Washington?" The whole class laughs, and my cheeks turns that pink color. The color of embarrassment. The teacher presses her hands on my desk and stares me down.
"I'll be seeing you during lunch Mr Espinosa." She says. I don't look at her and grab the slip from her.
My grades have been horrible ever since Stephanie left. There's barely any contact, and when she does call me, she can only talk for a couple minutes. I grab my lunch bag out of my locker and head to the cafeteria. On my way there I get a phone call. It's Nash.
"Hey man." He says.
"Hey." I say back.
"Want to come to a party at my house tonight? You can bring your girlfriend."
"I guess but Stephanie won't be coming. She moved."
"Aww man the sucks. Sorry."
"It's cool."
"See you tonight?"
"See you tonight." And he hangs up. I want to hug Stephanie.
I want to hug her right now and tell her that we are going to a party and we can get high and wasted and all that shit, but I can't.
I want to get high.
I want to get high with Stephanie.

broken//matthew espinosaWhere stories live. Discover now