Flights and Fights

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A/N: Don't be a silent reader! Be sure to comment and let me know your feelings! I love reading them and replying! Enjoy 🌚

Chapter 1

I always knew what I wanted in life. I always had it all figured out. College was, and is still my dream. Well...mostly my dream.

I live with my 32 year old sister, Merella. Our mother died giving birth to me 19 years ago, our father blamed me so he left.

We grew up with my aunt until she passed away of cancer 2 years ago.

Ever since my sister was the age of 13, she's raised me. She has my life planned for success, she always says, "someone in the family has to get somewhere in life." And I guess that's me.

So now as I sit here across from her, listening as she tells me lists of colleges I must chose from, today, I this really my life...or is it hers?

"Myana this is serious. You were meant to have this all planned out months ago, until you met that useless, waste of space, boyfriend of yours."

"He's not useless or a waste of space just don't understand him, he's been through a lot."

"No, you don't understand him. He manipulates you to see what he wants you to see. He's not good person and i'm happy we're leaving him in the past."

I had no intention to leave him in the past until she sat down with me and laid out screen shots of him manipulating and gaslighting me.

"Yeah" I smiled sadly and grabbed a random paper, "I'll go to this one." She smiled confidently as she grabbed the rest of the papers, "Good choice."

It's not that I don't take college seriously, I just wish I was able to make the decisions about it. Merella picked them out for me and never actually gave me a choice of what I wanted.

She's never asked what I wanted.

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it slightly, "I want what's best for you Mya. That's why I do what I do." I nodded with a fake smile.

"Hey, while I cook dinner for us tonight you should go downtown and grab some of those cupcakes we like." She really does try to give me a good life, she just wants to see me be something in this world.

"Yeah, i'll go right now so i'm back in time for your delicious...pasta." She cannot cook. I will never tell her that, she might kill me in my sleep.

I grabbed my house keys and began the walk downtown.

This walk used to be short when I was kid, but as i've gotten older it feels a whole lot longer.

After 15 minutes of walking and wishing I would of drove, I arrived at the bakery.

Dalesio's has been Merella and I's favorite for a few years now, no one is as good.

"Hi sweets, back again for more cupcakes?" I gave the cashier a small smile and handed her a 20 dollar bill. "Keep the change Miss Cano."

"How many times to I have to tell you, call me Cadella." Mere and I come here so often we've become quite close with the Cano family.

Her daughter came and visited one day and told us why they named the bakery Dalesio's, I actually worked here as my first job.

"Sorry." I gave her a sheepish smile. "I hear you're heading off to college soon. Be sure to live those years to fullest. I'm going to tell you what I told my daughter when she left for college for the first time, 'use protection"

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