A New Start

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A/N: This chapter is shorter but I realllly wanted to update soon! Don't be shy...I love responding to your comments! 🌚

Chapter 7

"Why stay?"

I have no clue what to say...

"Dinners ready!" I let out a visible sigh of relief as Sante yelled from the kitchen. I got up a little too quickly and lost my balance, before I hit the ground, a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. "You're clumsy."

I unwrap his arms from my waist, "Thanks." He sighed and pulled my arm down, causing me to fall into the seat next to him. The room was empty now, as everyone practically sprinted into the kitchen.

"Myana, you're impossible." I scoffed, "I'm the impossible one? Look in the mirror buddy."

"I do, and all I see is perfection with a little scar." I laughed humorously, if he thinks his only flaw is a little scar he has a wide wake up call. "Can we at least get along while my mother is here?"

I shook my head, "No. You're not only going to respect me when your mother is around because she scares you into doing so. It's all or nothing." And at that, I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"You okay?" Sage asked as she handed me a plate. "I'm great." I gave her my best reassuring smile and began to scoop pasta onto my plate.

After I got everything that I wanted I began to pull out my chair before I was stopped by Alessio, I watched as he pulled it out the rest of the way and waited for me to sit. "All or nothing." He whispered into my ear, "Too bad it's a game to you." Was all I said in return.

He cleared his throat and pulled the chair out next to me and sat down.

"So Ma...when do you intend on going back home?" She chuckled and harshly stabbed her pasta, "Never." Alessio began to choke on his pasta, I patted his back as hard as I could before he pushed my hand away.

His Mom winked at me and chuckled.

"What do you mean, never?" She gently set her fork down on her plate, "Well, never means, never ever. Does it not Myana?" I smiled, "It indeed does Ms. Giuliani."

"Oh please, my name is Catrina, but you're very welcome to call me Cat."

"Oh my fiancé is on your side now." He rested his elbows on the table and glared at me, "She's hardly your fiancé." Carmine began to cough, "Sorry...wrong pipe."

Sage and I both shook our head in disappointment.

The night ended in Alessio storming out of the room, none of us cared enough to follow behind him. We all continued to eat our pasta, and actually had a good night.

After everyone was finished eating the boys finally talked to Alessio and I helped Cat finish with the dishes.

"You don't have to do this, I got it Ms. Giulian-"

"Cat." I smiled sheepishly, "Cat...you can go lie down, I really can do this myself."

"With what help? I highly doubt Alessio is going to-" She cut herself off when Alessio cleared his throat, "Mind if we talk?" I sighed and followed behind him, "Don't you dare touch those dishes Cat!" I heard her chuckle as I walked through the front door:

"We need to fix this." I silently stared at the sunset in front of me. "Myana don't ignore me."

I could really go for some ice cream right about now...

He gently grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Myana, I'm not going to sit here and beg you." I sat down on the chair behind me and leaned back.

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