The Devils Den

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Chapter 33

I think that this will be one of those moments that will forever effect our lives, everyone. It's so simple too. It always is. It's always the simple things that cause the most catastrophic events.

Then again, it's not your life, not your problem--so who cares, right?

"Myana, I'm going to simply assume you've lost your damn mind. That's the only logical explanation to these decisions you've been making. Alessio obviously lost his too considering he's letting you call these shots." Carmine frantically paced back and forth throughout the back patio.

"Carmine, I haven't lost my mind," I stated, trying to sound as reassuring as possible, but by the look on his face, It did not sound that way, "Yet, at least. You need to start trusting me though, I haven't killed us." He helped me set the patio chairs by the table, "Like you said, my dear Myana, yet."

"Am I interrupting something?" Marsh asked us as we continued to argue. "! Come sit with us, were just waiting for everyone else to arrive. They should be here any second." He only nodded and sat down at the table.

Did you know Alessio never owned a patio table? Of course, I made him buy one. I would feel bad if I didn't think he secretly loved the touches I've been adding to his, dull, lifeless home.

"So, Alessio is really letting you take over things around here, I see." Marsh stated as he wiped his hands down his dress pants. "For now. I don't see it lasting much longer though." I let out an awkward chuckle.

Come on Alessio...It's not the time to run late.

"That's quite a shame, really. Seems you have a good head on your shoulders." I gave him a smile but I didn't miss the cough Carmine let out in disagreement.

"I see you couldn't wait to start without me." I took a sharp breath in and exhaled as Alessio grazed my shoulders and sat down next to me. "We agreed to wait." He growled into my ear. "You stated, I smiled and nodded. I'd hardly call that an agreement." He glared at me and turned his attention to Marsh.

"We're here to discuss the plan to lure Pavel out of hiding." Obvious enough.

Now I see why Alessio doesn't let me come to his meetings anymore. I can't take anything seriously. I get too bored and let all of my thoughts run out of my mouth and then he yells at me. He knows it's funny though, he just enjoys being a hater.

I assume they've already begun talking and disagreeing with each others tactics considering Alessio's jaw is clenched and Marsh's face is red. There's really no need for an argument, I already have a plan. Like I always do.

I stood up and looked at everyone around me. "We're going to use me." It's almost laughable, their faces are genuinely horrified by my words of, what they would call, "stupidity." Alessio stood up so abruptly that his chair tipped over behind him. "Have you lost your God damn mind?" He said, a little too loud for my taste.

I glanced at Carmine who mouthed the words, "Told you."

Have I lost my mind? Yes. When did I lose it? No clue. Maybe when I was kidnapped from an airplane? Or, maybe when my sister was killed by our father we forgot existed. Or, maybe when I found out my father was trying to kill me! I stopped trying to figure it out.

I grabbed Alessio's hands, "Love, think about it...what else would he risk his life for other then killing me?" He shook his head, "Drop it. It won't happen."

Marsh, after sitting in silence watching disaster unfold before him, finally spoke. "She's right." Alessio disagrees, "She's not right! She's a fucking idiot is what she is." He's always been so kind and gentle with his words.

Warms my heart.

Sage and I both exchanged looks. "She's smart Alessio...she's better then most of us and we've been doing this our whole lives. You have to trust her." He's still looking at me, his stare burning into mine. "It's not fucking happening." He broke eye contact and stormed into the house. Slamming the glass door so hard it shattered across the concrete.

I sighed and shook my head. Sometimes it's such a challenge to be with someone with uncontrollable anger issues. I don't get scared of him anymore, although I probably should.

"Sante, Carmine, can you please go clean that up? Myana and I will walk Marsh to his car." If you know anything about Sage, you know she never does anything out of the kindness of her heart, and she sure as hell doesn't walk any man to his car.

"What are you doing?" I quietly ask her. "Do you want Pavel dead or not?" She winked before turning away from me.

After a long, awkward walk, we arrived to his car.

"Would you go behind Alessio's back to help me?" I asked him, and for once in my life...I'm dead serious. "You want me to risk my life so you can kill your father that has a vendetta against you?" I nodded and gave him a smile. "Sure, why not? What do you need?"

I look to Sage for a plan. "Meet us tonight. There's a fountain in the middle of town." He chuckled and opened his car door, "A fountain in the middle of town...ok." He got in and he drove away.

"What are we getting ourselves into?" I ask. I need to sit down and think of how we're going to come out of this alive. I walk over to the porch and sit down on the stairs, Sage follows. "I don't know...but I hope I can actually live to regret our decision."

I rest my head against the railing. "How are we going to get out of here without there being any suspicions or tails on us?" Sage is silent for awhile. So long I was able to count most of the cracks in the sidewalk. "We just walk out."

I spent the rest of the night trying to find out where Alessio went after his fit he threw, but no one knew. I'm not surprised by that. When he gets angry like that it's best he disappears for awhile. I don't try and stop him anymore. This is who he is.

It's easier then we thought it would be. There's no one in the house. Except the guards that were once assigned to me.

"They'll be easy to get rid of. They're clueless when it comes to lady stuff." Sage stated as she grab her purse opened the front door.

They sit at the gates in front of the house, just standing there most of the day. I'd hate my job, but that's just me.

We got into Sage's car and pulled up the gates, only to be stopped as soon as we approached. Sage rolled her eyes and cracked the window, only enough for them to see her eyes. "Cohen, where are you taking my responsibility?"

"We're running to the store. Myana's been having some bad cramps and-" The gates opened, "Thank you." She smiled and sped off through them. It didn't take long to get to the center of town. I wish our meeting spot was further from my possible location of doom, aka Alessio's lovely home.

"He's here." I stated, truly surprised. I honestly didn't think he would come. You'd have to be mentally insane to go against Alessio's wishes. Which I am, and apparently Marsh is too.

"Glad to see you made it out of the devils den alive. I didn't think I'd see you here." I smiled, "I thought the same for you."

Midtown is beautiful. Especially at night. The fountain we chose to meet at has seating around it. It's lit up, the weather isn't too hot or too cold. It's almost perfect.

Nothing is perfect...

"So, lets dig into the plan of your death...yeah?" He gave us a smile with a tilted head.


A/N: GUYS! I'm typing on a computer... can you believe this? I finally don't have to drain my phone storage by typing in my notes. ANDDDD I think that chapters might end up longer this way. Hopefully.


ALSO, no silent readers (:

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