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Chapter 25

It's been exactly three days since Alessio and I had our last interaction.

He tries and I ignore.

"You're not sleeping on the couch again." I ignore his deep voice and pull the blanket over my body.

The couch isn't terribly uncomfortable—but it's not the bed.

My back could break from sleeping on this couch and I still wouldn't go back to sleeping in the same bed as him.

"Myana." He said firmly. "You know what, be fucking childish."

I pulled my feet closer to my chest to give room for Grayson to sleep with me on the couch.

"I'll just sleep out here with you then." I glanced over my shoulder and watched as he laid across the chair beside me.

"You know I love you right?" He said after a few moments of silence.

I had almost fallen asleep too—but no.

Sage had warned me that Alessio had drank some drinks with the boys but I didn't know he drank this much.

"Just lay with me..." He said, almost in a whisper.

To say it hurt me to see him like this was an understatement but it took him multiple drinks to put his pride and huge ass ego aside.

Despite me ignoring him, once again, he stood up and made room on the couch for himself.

He made Grayson move as he laid his head on my chest.

"I'm sorry."

It's not that I was looking for an apology from him.

Because I wasn't.

Sometimes I just wish he could feel the words that he says.

The things that he does.

"Go to sleep, Alessio."

And he did.

"Myana..." I woke up to a slight tap on my forehead.

Without opening my eyes I grabbed the finger that continued to tap.

"What." I finally opened my eyes and noticed Leo standing over me. I silently got up—trying not to wake Alessio.

"Where have you been?" I asked as we walked outside. "Oh, you know. Here and there." We sat down on the chairs on the porch.

He seems nervous. Tensed.

"What's going on?"

He shook his head, "Nothing much, just figured i'd come out here rather then dodging the police back home".

"Makes sense."

"Myana, I've been wanting to say something but I just never have—probably because i'd die for it but, we all die eventually, right?"

I guess...

"I think i'm in love with you—and it sounds so stupid and ridiculous because your my bosses girlfriend and he won't hesitate to end my life because he's just like that-"

I sighed and opened my mouth slightly to talk but he continued.

"Everyone knows he's like that and he's hurt me before because shit and I understand it, and everyone knows you can't control your feelings—even though you should be able to because obviously I don't want to love you!"

"Leo." I finally found room to cut him off, "You're right you can't control your feelings. But I just want Alessio. And it sounds ridiculous, you're completely right. Love is ridiculous. It's unfair. We love the people that hurt us sometimes, the people that we can't have..."

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