A Way With Words And Pain

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Chapter 21

I gasped as he pulled into the parking lot of a private beach. The sun was beginning to set by now.

"No way..." The water is beautifully clear here. I feel like i'm baby Moana right now.

"It's a little cliche—but I thought you'd enjoy it." I nodded and took off the heels, setting them on the seat.

He extended his hand and I took it as he guided me through the sand and down closer to the water.

I crossed my feet under me and sat in the sand, Alessio following.

The sun setting, the sound of the waves, Alessio beside me.

"What were you going to college for?" He asks, randomly. "I guess for teaching. I wasn't really sure going there and i'm still not sure now." He nodding in an understanding.

"What about you?" I turned to him, leaning on my elbows. "FBI agent."

Is he serious?

He wanted to be an FBI agent...

"Well that took a real turn." He chuckled. "I changed career paths." 

The water looks so pretty—warm.

"Wanna go in?" He turned to me. "In this dress? God, no! This is too beautiful. I barley wanted to sit in the sand." He shook his head, "Take it off then."

"What if someone sees?" That'd be one of my top 10 moments of embarrassment. "Then we'd kill them."

"Alessio!" He stood up and took his jacket off, followed by the rest of his clothes, besides his boxers, "Come on. Have you ever skinny dipped?" I shook my head and stood up.

"Can you help me?" I turned around and pulled my hair to the side. His hand brushed across my back and down my waist as he unzipped the dress.

I'm too insecure to fully strip, although he has already seen me naked...

My underwear stays on at least.

We walked into the water, hand and hand.

It is warm like I thought.

He began to walk deeper then my legs could touch. "Alessio, i'm not that tall." Instead of stopping, he grabbed my thighs and wrapped them around his waist. "You'll be fine."

The sun was almost gone by the time he stopped walking. The water is so calm now, no waves.

The stars shown now as well.

It's weird, but I like to think that one of those are my mom. I like to think that she's proud of me—then again i'm not in college like maybe she would have wanted, but I like to think that she's still proud of me.

As I look down, finally looking away from the sky, I notice Alessio staring at me.

I watched his eyes as they searched mine.

"You're so perfect. So perfect that it's scary. I don't feel a lot, but with you I feel scared. Scared that i'll lose you. With you I feel—overwhelmed. Overwhelmed that you're here with me—staying with me, laying in my bed."

Who knew a man of so little words could be so well with them...

"If I was planning on leaving, I think I would have left by now." I gave him a smile and held his face with my hands.

He slowly brought his face closer to mine, our lips almost touching.

Kiss me.

"Be my girlfriend." He said under his breath. "Was that a question or a statement?" He smirked slightly, "Both."

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