Upside-down and Backwards

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A/N; This chapter is so short but I haven't updated in so long because school is literally kicking both my booty cheeks right now. But I hope you enjoy whatever I could write 😫

Chapter 11

I grabbed Sage's arm and pulled her back into the bedroom.

"Okay, Sage. Let's think about this before we act." My advice is not for Sage, it's for myself.

Alessio thinks he can just find anyway to ruin my life. Well I won't let him. We just say...


"No." Sage said as she sat down in her chair at the dinning room table and began to finish her spaghetti.

The girl, in which who's name has yet to be named, sat down in the chair across from Sage and leaned on the table. "See, that's just not gonna work. Lessi said I was staying here, so this is where I stay."

Sage is going to kill her. I can picture Sage jumping across the dining room table and strangling her.

There is no saving this girl.

"Well...we're gonna...go." Carmine pointed to the door and slowly back out of it. Sante and Leo sprinted out behind him.

"What is your name?" Sage asks a little too calmly. The girl smirked, "Kat." Sage smiled in return, "Kat..." She slowly stood up from her chair, "Get the hell out of my apartment before I throw you out of it, you dirty, half dressed, wrong shade of make up, whore!"

Kat stood up from the table and slammed her fist down, "I'm telling Lessi." Sage looked at me and laughed, "Get out."

Kat stormed out of the apartment.

Sage sighed, "We have to get to Alessio before she does."

We rushed into Sages car and raced down to Alessio's office.

"You know you're going 75 in a 55, right?" She nodded and pressed the gas harder. "I refuse to let her get there first."

As we pulled into the parking lot, we noticed flashing lights. "Sage!" She cussed under her breath. "What the hell are you two doing!" Alessio yelled.

We got here just in time. He's leaving his office right now.

"Can we explain later?" He sighed and told Sage to move from her seat, he quickly shifted gears and drifted out of the parking lot. I noticed him glance at me.

I sat in the passenger seat, Sage was moved to the back.

"What did you have to say?" He questioned, Sage began to speak, "Well I-" He looked at Sage through the rearview mirror, "No, I was asking her."

My eyes widened as he turned his head towards me.

"Alessio! You're going almost 100 miles per hour, right now! Don't look at me, look at the road!" He rolled his eyes and looked back at the road, "Tell me."

"We don't want Kat staying with us, she's not that nice and she tried to get after Sante, in front of Sage." He chuckled deeply.

"You think I care if she's nice or not? I use her when I need a release, I don't want her at my place." His grip tightened on the wheel. "Is that why you got me into a police chase? To tell me you don't like my fuck buddy? News flash Myana," He drifted the car onto a side street, "I don't, and will never give a damn, about what you want."

I turned my head to the side, "I'm not the only one who doesn't like her. I never made this about me, you did. You don't have to care about what I want." He hummed in response.

He abruptly stopped the car and threw it in park.

"Sage get out." He turned around to face her. "What!" She questioned. "Get. Out. Call Sante, he'll take you home."

I shook my head rapidly as she began to get out of the car. When the door shut I laid my head back on the seat.

"Well go ahead and say what you have to say, since you got us alone...again." I crossed my arms.

"You're jealous." He states calmly, "Jealous?" I questioned. "You're jealous that Kat is my fuck buddy and you aren't." I scoffed.

"You are...are just repulsing. I do not want to be your fuck buddy, and quite frankly it's a shame that Kat does."

"Well if you got in bed with me you'd understand." I withheld my face of disgust. "You're sick." He shrugged and shift the car back into drive. "I've been called so much worse, love. Come a little stronger."

I sighed and watched as we passed the cars.

"You and Leo." I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly turned to him, "I'm sorry?" He chuckled and made a sharp turn.

I smacked my head on the window.

I refuse to let him know how bad my head is throbbing.

I wrap my arms around me and squeeze my sides, something I do more often then I should. There are permanent marks on my sides from this.

"I've just heard he's spent a lot of time at Sage's. You know, where you've been staying to avoid me."


"I guess he's over a lot, not that it's that much of your concern..." Leo is a genuine guy. It makes me wonder how he ended up working for someone like Alessio.

"You're not allowed to date other members." I shook my head in disapproval, "Sante and Sage-"

"I said you, aren't allowed to date other members." I turned my body in my seat to face him, "Why can't I? Everyone else can." He nodded, "Precisely. You're not everyone else, now are you?"

What is his goal? To ruin my life? Steal my rights? Take my soul?!

I feel as if i've signed my name away to the devil that walks this earth.

"Why am I treated so differently then everyone else here? Why always single me out? What more do you want from me, Alessio?" I began to shout, not even realizing.

He's so hot and cold. On and off.

He's completely upside down and backwards.

So what does that make me?

"The difference between you and that I could care less who they fuck or what they do. They're not mine to keep watch on. You are."

I let out a loud, unintentional laugh.

"Keep watch on me?" I laugh louder, "Oh, please Alessio, just stop." My laugh dies down. "Stop playing with me. I am not a game. I am a person. You don't get to try and come, "keep me safe" because you feel bad about what you've done to me. The damage is already done."

"You think that is why I said that? No, Myana. You must have me confused with Leo. I see your worth. The real question is... do you? I don't feel bad for what I did, if I had the chance to, I wouldn't take it back. Because you're here now. And you're staying."

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