If We Make It

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Chapter 19

After the adventures of the night I am exhausted.

My body either gets really used to not sleeping at all, or sleeping all day.

Depression at it's finest.

As I began to walk to my room, Alessio stopped me.

"I'm leaving tonight." I nodded and turned to face him.

He is so tall ...

"Myana." I snapped out of my thoughts when he snapped his fingers, "Hm?" He rolled his eyes, something he does a lot more then I think he knows. "I said goodnight."

"Oh.. well do you want to watch a movie before you leave?" I noticed that when Alessio is relaxed, you can read his emotion through his eyes.

You know how you can see when someone is sad by their eyes? It's like that.

He's so easily readable when he's not tense and angry.

"You want to watch a movie with me?" I opened my mouth for a moment but no words came out, I nodded my head instead.

Why is he confused?

He nodded his head towards his room and I followed behind him.

I jumped onto his excessively large bed.

"What are you? Four?" I rolled my eyes and slid under the covers.

His bed is so comfortable. His room is freezing but his blankets are so warm. He has like 7 pillows.

His room was painted a light grey, the couch in the corner of the room is black. His bed is black.

Like his soul.

He threw my remote onto my lap and took his t-shirt off.


He had a large tattoo across his chest. Angel wings. "What is strength, is pain."

There's a lot about loyalty, pain, trust, god, and his mother.

I wonder who the wings are for?

"Are you gonna pick a movie or should we make our own?" My jaw is dropped.

My mouth won't close.

I grabbed the remote from my lap and covered my blushing cheeks.

As I felt the bed indent I turned on Princess and the Frog.

He didn't complain like I thought he would.

"It's so cold in your room. How do you sleep in here?" He opened his arms and wrapped them around me, pulling me close to his chest.

"I don't sleep a lot. I have a lot of work to do most of the time." As I laid on his chest I heard his heart beat.

I guess he is a real person.

"What time are you leaving?" I asked, suddenly feeling exhausted.  "Don't worry about it, i'll come back."

"They always do." He wrapped both his arms around my waist and held me tightly, as if i'd go anywhere.

I feel safe with Alessio and his family. I feel included, like I fit in. I didn't even feel that way with my own family, my sister.


When I woke up the next morning Alessio was gone and Grayson was laying on the floor next to me.

So I did the only reasonable thing.

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