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Chapter 31

If we're being honest, we've all done things we're not proud of.

Multiple times.

And I know for a fact that this is going to be one of those moments.

It's easy to blame Alessio for this though. I mean, who leaves liquor available to a lightweight like me?

So I drank.

And drank.

And drank some more.

And now i'm here, at a party.

Who's party? No clue.

Where? No idea.

But I know i'm here, dancing under the brightest lights i've ever seen. I also know, that no one knows where I am. Because i'm not allowed to leave the house, but i'm not allowed to do a lot of things that I do anyway.

Did you know that liquor either takes the sadness away or it makes it all come up?


I stumbled off the dance floor and sat on a stool by the bar.

"Hey!" I yelled to the bartender over the music, "What's the name of this bar?"


I nodded, "nice." He agreed.

If I wasn't drunk off my ass right now, i'd be terrified at how many men are here and how vulnerable I am.

I dug in my purse for my phone as it rang.

Again, if we're being honest, I can't read who's calling me.

"Helllooo." I said, dragging the word out. "Myana! Where are you? Alessio came home finally but you're not here and he's freaking out."

"Ummm." I turned towards the bartender, "Myana, are you at a party!?" I giggled, "What's the name again?" He smirked as he cleaned a glass, placing it onto a tray. "Casios."

"I am at Casamigos."

"Give me the damn phone." I heard Alessio yelling in the background, so obviously my natural response is to hang up.

I don't need to hear him yelling in my ear right now.

*Alessio's POV*

I should of fucking left her at the airport I took her from.

But because I didn't leave her, i'm driving 120mph down the highway to get her from a bar.

She's so fucking difficult.

What doesn't she understand about, "stay in the house." What's difficult about, "stay in the god damn house."

She probably thinks that I hate her or something and it was never like that.

I also can't just sit here and tell her, "Oh yeah i'm torturing your fathers men in my warehouse basement because he escaped before we could get him." I doubt she'd even sleep at night.

Little does she know, I come home all the time to check on her. She's just hardly observant.

It's not like it was easy to hear her crying all the time, I just wanted to hold her and tell her that i'm here, but I can't.

Well, I couldn't.

But obviously I have to now, I think she's clinically insane.

I got out my car and fixed my suit.

So help me god, she better be in the fucking corner.

I entered the bar and instantly sighed.

Of course she wouldn't be in the corner.

She's dancing in the center of the floor. She has everyone's attention there. She always doubted how beautiful she truly is.

I walked up behind her and whispered in her ear. "let's go, now."

"No." I should of known she was going to be fucking difficult. I flipped her over my shoulder while holding her dress down.

"Put me down!" I rolled my eyes and continued walking through the crowd.

"Hey buddy." I narrowed my eyes as a fucking moron steps in front of me. "She said put her down."

"She says a lot of things." I move him with my hand and continue.

"Bro you don't want this, just set her down and they'll be no problems." Yeah, there won't be when his body is laying in a pool of blood.

"No bro, you don't want this. Now let's move the fuck out the way, yeah?" Of course he doesn't move because everyone wants to make my life so fucking difficult all the time.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Carmines number. "Boss."

"Vieni qui." I hung up the phone and placed it back. Carmine quickly approached me, "Oh boy." He sighed out as he noticed the fuck face blocking my way. "Take her."

He took her and sat her down at the bar.

"Listen. My girl is drunk off her ass and i'm fucking annoyed and I really don't feel like getting blood on this suit. So, on that note, move or I will remove you from this planet."

It's good to have a little fun sometimes.

"Look man, she was yelling and I wanted to help."

"Yeah, well sometimes it's best to mind your business." I nodded towards Carmine and he walked towards me. "Myana, let's go home."

*Myanas POV*

Is he mad? Yes.

Was that my goal? Also yes.

If he's angry at least he's speaking to me.

But that's the thing, he doesn't seem angry. He seems relaxed.

He opened the passenger door for me and when I sat down, leaned across my seat and buckled the seatbelt.

I followed him with my eyes as he walked around the car.

"That was stupid, you know?" I nodded. "People know about you, you can't just go out, Myana." He sighed and unbuckled my seatbelt. "Come here." I leaned over the center counsel and ended up on his lap.

"I missed you." I said, truly defeated. "I know,
i'm sorry. I was home more then you thought though."

"Why wouldn't you talk to me then?" I listened to his breathing stop for a moment. "Because I knew that i'd tell you what i've been doing."




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