Life or Death

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A/N: Don't be a silent reader! I love interacting and communicating with you guys! I loveee reading comments🥰

Chapter 3

After I showered I looked at the outfit that laid across my bed.

"You've got to be kidding me" I held my towel tightly around my body as I stared at, so called, outfit in front of me. "I wish I was." Sage picked it up from the bed and held it against my body. "At least it's cute"

"I'm not a stripper." Sage gave me a smile and laid it back on the bed. "Tonight, you are. Remember, life or death."

"How could I forget..." I slowly sat down on the bed as Sage left the room. Tonight is the night that determines if I continue to breathe or not.

After putting the...outfit on, I pulled my hair into a bun, slicking it back with gel that Sage let me use. I put huge hoop earrings in and slipped on the heels that were laid out.

I remember when I was little, i'd always go in my aunts closet, put on her highest heel she had, and walked around the whole house like I was meant to wear them.

Ever since I was little I wore heels, and I never had an issue walking in them...or running in them.

I laughed to myself as the memories of running from Merella played in my head.

"Alessio wanted me to..." Sante stopped in the doorway and stared at my, barley clothed body. "Wanted you to, what?" His eyes fixated on my chest, "Hello! Eyes up here." I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes.

"Alessio wanted me to see if you were ready to go, and seeing as you are, move." I rolled my eyes and followed behind him, listening to the clicking of my heels as I walked down the long hallways.

Sage clapped her hands as I entered the living room. "Now that, is how you make an entrance."

Alessio's eyes didn't leave my own. "Tonight you wear an earpiece, you can't turn it off, it picks up on everything you hear, you can't see it. Tonight you play the roll of a stripper, get him drunk, show me what you can do. Fail, and I won't hesitate to kill you."

I nodded and pulled the back of my bodysuit from my ass. I'm worried I won't be able to hurt the man, I don't know if I can psychically hurt someone who I don't even know...but it's my life or his face. I know what i'm choosing.

"Alright, move." I followed behind Alessio who walked into a huge garage, it was full of expensive and fancy looking cars. We all piled into a limo.

The car ride was comfortably silent, everyone lost in their mind. "Dravens gonna be here, Kace and him own the club." Sante talked as he swiftly typed on his phone.

Alessio nodded, "Good, I need to talk more business with him. It's been awhile since we had a drink with them anyway."

Draven...that name sounds familiar. "Draven, who?" Alessio glanced at me, "Dalesio. Why." He asked with anger playing in his words, not that he's ever not angry.

"I just heard his name before." I uncomfortably crossed my legs. "She knows Cadella and her grandson, she's familiar with the Dalesio's." Sage added.

Sante looked up from his phone, "Yeah, his cousins girl is fucking crazy."

"She's not crazy, Sante. Besides, you couldn't handle a real women even if you tried." Sage moved moved her hair from her shoulders. "You wanna test it?"

She turned her head quickly to the side and covered her mouth, "Not even if you were the last man breathing! Gross." Carmine smacked Sante's shoulder as he laughed hysterically.

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