Words of the Wise

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A/N: Don't be a silent reader! Lmk how
you feel ab Alessio so far🌚 I love reading and responding to all of your comments! 🥳

Chapter 2

"I'm sorry...did you say-"

"Shut up." He cut off me and put duct tape over my mouth. I feel nauseous...i feel sick, i feel like i'm gonna pass out.

I sighed and stared at him. If I couldn't talk I could at least stare.

"Stop looking at me before I kill you." I continued to look at him. He's going to kill me eventually. Like Merella said, the sooner the better. He rolled his eyes and ripped the tape from my mouth.


What if I never see Merella again? She's all I have left and now I might not see her again...and it's all his fault.

"Why did you take me." My voice cracked at the end of the sentence. "You owe me." I furrowed my eyebrows, "I didn't kill you, so you owe me."

I laid my head back on the seat, "You should of just killed me." I mumbled. He sat up straight and looked at me, "Ok."

He pulled his gun from his pants and stepped in front of me, he held it to my head. I was scared but I didn't blink, a single tear fell from my eye before I closed them.

I prepared myself for pain as I heard the click, but I felt nothing.

"I'm not killing you." He sat back down next to me and laid his gun in his lap. "Why?"

"You have use to me."

"I don't want to have use to you. You took me away from all I had left." He just stared at me.

My body is in pain from being thrown, i'm exhausted. I began to cry, I didn't want to seem like I was weak, I wanted to keep my front up. But it was all breaking down. I was breaking down.

He continued to stare as I sobbed. He didn't care, there was nothing written on his face but confusion.

What could he be confused about?

"Sante." Alessio nodded towards me, "Don't touch me!" Sante stood up and hovered over me, I watched as he ejected me with a shot.

I felt by body slowly begin to shut down, my eyes became heavy, "Why..." Was all I could say before everything went black.


Alessio's POV

"She's been out for awhile...are you sure you gave her the right thing?" Sante glanced at me as we sat around her body. "No."

"I see why you wanted her, she's different from all the other bitches you fuck." I rolled my eyes, Carmine is a pain in my fucking ass. "She's here to repay me, then when i'm done with her, i'll kill her."

"Will you though?" I punched Sante's shoulder causing him to fall off the bed.

I watched as her eyes fluttered open, "Rise and shine, pazza" (crazy) She slowly sat up on the bed, pulling her legs to her chest.

"Get dressed. Sage is coming to get you in 5 minutes." She looked at me with dead eyes. I couldn't care less about hurting her fucking feelings or seeing her cry. She's gonna help me and then i'm going to kill her.

"Get dressed, or i'll do it for you." She looked around the room before getting off the bed. "Good choice."

Carmine can deal with this bitch, I don't have time for this.

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