Why Stay?

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Chapter 6

I willingly walked into the hotel with Alessio, as soon as we entered the room, I locked myself in the bathroom.

I don't want to be around him. I don't want to live like this anymore.

I removed my clothes and began to run a bath. I winced as the water touched my skinned knees.

I laid my head back on the tub and let the events of tonight play out in my head. I leave one mentally abusive relationship and jump right into another one, but worse.

A slight knock was heard on the door, "We're leaving in an hour." I sighed and nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me.

Sicily isn't my home. It isn't anywhere I know or have ever been. Their mansion of a house, isn't my home. It's a prison i'm trapped in.

This life...is a prison i'm trapped in.

And I don't want to be trapped anymore.


The plane ride was filled with tension and silence. I sat in the isle behind him, letting all the tears fall down my face as I watched my home fade behind me, everything I had left fade.

When we arrived at my metaphorical prison, Sage instantly ran to me, giving me a hug.

"It's been terrible without you here, I don't know how I ever lived with just them." When she noticed I didn't return her energy she released her grasps. "What's wrong?"

I bit the inside of my lip trying to stop the tears from leaving my eyes, I failed.

"Let's go inside and talk..." She gently grabbed my shoulders and led me inside, helping me with my bags.


*Alessio's POV*

"Fucks wrong with her?" Sante asked as he picked my bags up from the ground. "She forgot who I was, so I reminded her." Carmine shook his head. "Bad move bro, shes gonna be your wife."

"I don't give a fuck if she was my mother, she overstepped."

"Mama Giuliani doesn't play, i'll call and tell her you said that-" I pushed my foot into the middle of his back causing him to trip forward, "Don't call her...please"

That's all I need. Her mouth won't ever stop running.

"Alsssio, man. She's coming up in two days, you better figure out how you're going to tell her you got engaged without her meeting the girl."


"What if Myana blabs?" Sante asked, opening the front door. "I'll kill her, plain and simple."

"Charming as ever, bro."

I knew as soon as I grabbed Myana that there was no going back. She may hate me now, but she'll never step out of line again.

It's better if she hates me.

"Alessio...mama Giuliani is on the phone and she's furious." Shit...she's gonna cut my head off.

I quickly grab the phone and throw it at the wall.

"I just got the new phone plan too..." Carmine fell to his knees and dramatically yelled, "Why!", over and over.


*Myana's POV*

"I'm so sorry Myana...his dad is just a sensitive subject that everyone knows not to speak on." I winced as I attempted to keep my cuts from getting infected. "Not everyone."

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