Red Roses Only

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Chapter 34

"Don't say it like that. No one is going to die and that's because I'm doing it all alone. No one will get close enough to die." Which is true. I just forgot to mention that part to Sage. "Yeah, okay. If you want to be rebellious, you're going to let me help you in the process." 

"No. Final answer." I turned my attention towards Marsh. "I was thinking maybe I just show up to his house. Straight to the point, you know?" I watch as he stares blankly into my eyes. It sounds like a stupid plan because it is, but there's no other way. We don't know where he is but we know where he once slept, close enough...right?

I'm not insane, by the way. 

Alessio may have done a lot of bad things, but I still love him. I'm willing to die for him, which I might. If Pavel lives, everyone knows he's coming straight for Alessio. Then again, If I die, Pavel will come for Alessio and at that point I think Alessio would let Pavel kill him, willingly. 

He needs to live. He needs time for redemption, to find and feel loved. I try my hardest to give that to him but sometimes It's hard to know how he feels. 

"You want to just...strut into his estate and what? 'Hey! I'm here to kill you by using my own life as a trap! Although you may kill me first considering I just walked into your home!'. He might not even be there anymore." Although Marsh continues to make fun of my plan, he still has yet to come up with his own and It's been ten minutes. 

"It appears that's all we got. So, I'm going to drive myself to his estate, knock on the door and ask if he's home." Sage sighed and paced around the fountain. "Do what you please, It's your life, but I want the kill. I want to be the one who takes his life." Marsh states.  I nod, "Deal." 

It may be hasty, but I want to do it all tonight. There's no time for waiting. The longer we wait the higher the chance that Alessio finds out. If he finds outs...I can kiss the plan goodbye. 

"I'll leave tonight. It's only seven, If I leave right now I can get there by 8:30 and he can be dead by nine." Sage is still pacing. "Sage?" She sighed and leaned against the car, "Yea?" 

"Are you ready to help me do this? You can be the get away driver." She shook her head, "You want me to be your get away driver in a suicide plan? I guess this is the way I'd be willing to go out." I smiled and hugged her. 

"Can we stop by the house first...just incase things don't work out, I want Alessio to at least have gotten a goodbye." She nodded and grabbed the car keys. "Marsh, meet us at Pavel's." He didn't respond but I know he heard me. He has a lot on the line too. If what he said was true...he really loved Merella. So did I. 

After we got in the car, Sage put the key in the ignition but didn't quite start the car yet. "Are you sure you're going to be able to lie to Alessio and walk away? Lying will be easy, walking away not knowing if you're going to make it back won't be."

In the beginning, when Alessio and I first got together, I was terrified that he was going to die every time he walked out that door. Terrified that I was going to get that phone call. I don't want to leave him with that empty feeling without a goodbye to remember. 

"I can do it." She sat for a moment longer before turning the keys. "Let's go say our goodbyes." I smiled at the comment although we both know that there's nothing comical about any of this. 

Sitting outside the house in the car for 10 minuets after we've arrived is all we've done. Tears have threatened to fill my eyes but I blink them back. I won't cry. 

Okay, Myana. Open the car door. 

I do. 

Walk to the porch.

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