Nothing Left

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Chapter 28


Kat and I haven't moved from our spot.

It's a safe space in a corner for us.

We both looked up from the floor as footsteps were heard walking down the stairs.

"Myana, Kat?" I quickly scurried to my feet as Inez stepped into the light of the basement. I wiped the tears that dropped onto my cheeks.

It's our chance.

"Inez...please, please tell Alessio where we are.  I promise you'll be safe— i'll make sure you're safe, you and your mother. You'll both be safe, I swear. Please tell him where we are."

She stared at us with pain in her eyes. Kinda ironic considering she's the reason we're here.

"It doesn't sound like a good plan...i'm sorry, I want to help you guys but I can't."

"Inez...Inez please. Please, Please. I promise no one will touch you, please i'll be sure of it please."

No response.

"Listen you stupid bitch. You're going to help us because you owe us. You owe me!" Kat said slowly standing up in front of Inez.

"I'll try my best."

"Your best better be enough, Inez." Kat slid back down the wall. She nodded and set our food trays on the floor before leaving us alone again.

"Do you think she'll tell him?" I asked Kat. She's a lot stronger then me. Even after almost dying, her attitude never dulls.

"Nope." She said, putting emphasis on the P.

Part of me thinks I can't even cry anymore, can't even feel sad for myself. I'm just angry, anymore. All I feel is anger now.

I wish I could understand why God puts people through things like this, but I don't think anyone understands.

"Myana." I was awoken from my sleep by Kat shaking me. I only hummed in response, still not fully awake.

That was short lived as the basement door was busted open.

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up.

"Alessio!" I ran, or at least tried to, directly into him. All I can do is sob into his shirt.

Tears flowing, my body being weak and barely supported by my own legs.

"Let's get you home." He carefully grabbed my legs from the ground and carried me up the basement stairs and into the car.

"I'm going to call the doctor when we get home to make sure everything is okay." He sat with me in the backseat, making Leo drive.

Leo would occasionally glance in the mirrors to make sure I was okay. He never asked me if I was though.

I can tell Alessio feels sorry for me, he looks at me with so much sorrow. It makes me feel weird.

I haven't actually seen what I look like in awhile.

I stopped looking.

He carried me into the house and laid me down on the couch. He lifted my head and rested it on his lap.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head. I know he thinks that this is his fault...but it's not.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Michele. I'm going to be checking things like your blood pressure, vitals, ultrasounds, all the fun stuff."

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