Dear, Alessio

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Chapter 27

To wish you could just die has got to be one of the worst feelings.

To just beg.

Pray, even.

To let god just let you die.

It's such a breaking point.

A point of pure defeat and surrender.

If I was alone here, I would of let go, gave everything up.

But i'm not alone— i'm with Kat.

And that's never something I ever thought I could say.

But I also never thought i'd be locked inside a mansion basement by my biological father who killed my sister and blamed me for my mothers death.

There's a desk down here and old mattresses now.

They made it look more like a room one day after knocking us both out from so many beatings.

Guess they felt bad and thought that was a reward.

There's a light here now.

They uncovered the window so we can see what time of day it was.

Gave us a calendar.

I've been able to write, as they left a pen and paper.

I've been writing notes to Alessio...he can't get them though.

I like to think that he can read them and know that i'm okay.

Not okay, but still alive.

I hope he's okay.

"Food." Marco is his name, the man who brings us food everyday.

It's never a meal.

It's a couple green beans— a couple being five at the most.

A small scoop of mashed potatoes, thin slices of bologna.

Water in small shot glasses.... we only get one every three days though.

Using the bathroom? A bucket.

One that never gets dumped.

"Marco?" I asked. He's not one of the good guys... but he's the only one who doesn't hit us. He glanced at me.

"How long have we been down here?" He sighed, "Three months." He said before walking up the stairs and locking the door.

Three months of this.

If i'm being honest.... I thought it was a few weeks.

All the days blend together, especially when you spend most of your time passed out.

Kat almost died a few days ago, dehydration and malnourishment.

They gave her an IV drip and a chicken leg.

I grabbed paper and sat down on my mattress.

"Dear, Alessio.

Things are still the same. I don't want to lose hope but i'm starting to think you're not coming for us anymore.

I really miss you...

I miss you so much.

I hope you didn't give up on me. Please don't give up, i'm alive. I'm still alive.

I wish I could hear your voice again.

See that smile.

I love you...


To say that i'm sad would be like saying your body is just warm after falling into a pit of lava.

Yes, lava.

We've heard Inez a couple of times, part of us thought that maybe if we pounded on the ceiling of the basement she'd help us.

But she knows we're down here, and she's done nothing.

"We need to get out of here." Kat said as she grabbed the wall as support to stand. "I'm going insane."

"What if we spoke to Inez?" I asked. "Are you crazy? You want to speak to the traitor?"

"No, I don't want to, but we have to. What if we asked her for help....tell her that if she tells Alessio where we are— we'll protect her mother and her."

"Alessio will kill her entire bloodline if it means getting you back and she knows that."

"I just need to see her— if I see her I can convince her to tell him— or at least convince her to let us use her phone..."

Anything is enough at this point.

I'm losing hope.

I'm losing my positivity.

My faith.

My strength.

My will to keep going.

"Let's do it then."

Making this decision is like choosing whether you want to live or risk a high chance of death.

And i've reached the point where i'd rather risk death then to live like this.

I waited impatiently on my mattress all night for Marco to come the next morning and give us our food for the day.

But he never came.

We never ate.

Not until days later.

How many days?

I don't know.

I stopped counting, I stopped looking out the window.

"Food." I looked up from the floor. "Marco, can you please ask Pavel if I can speak to Inez...please."

He paid me no mind, continuing to walk up the stairs.

"Marco!" I screamed. I waited days to speak to him. Days to ask him one fucking question.


To get ignored!

Fucking countless sunsets and sun rises.

"Marco!" I continued to scream until I lost my air. All I can do is scream in frustration, in defeat.

Sob in pain and sorrow.

Self pity.

"Marco! Get your ass back here and fucking listen to me! Marco!" I fell to my knees at the stairs. I don't have enough courage to go up them to the door.

Last time we did that...

We just will never do it again.

"You coward son of a bitch! You'll watch us fucking rot down here!"

"Myana, stop..." Kat slid next to me and moved my head onto her shoulder.

"No! I can't do this anymore, I can't. I want them to kill us, Kat. I want this to be over. I want to go home. I want to go to Alessio. I don't want to be here anymore, I can't anymore."

"It's okay, Myana." I shook my head, "We're gonna die here." She remained silent for a moment. "I know...I know we are."


A/N: This chapter is an embarrassment to my writing but listen... I have had a horrible writers block all week and this is all I could come up with right now💔 Love you guys :)

Also I didn't proofread this🧍🏽‍♀️


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