Hell No

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Chapter 10

I laughed as Sage tripped on the coffee table leg. "I knew that was a bad spot." She rubbed her shin, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, we have a meeting tomorrow to talk about some plan with Alessio and the guys."

I grabbed the wine bottle and drank directly from it.

Honestly, Sage and I have been drinking every night for the past week.

One night liquor, which we will never do again, and other nights wine. Too much of it.

"It's gonna be in and out, 10 minutes max." I set down the bottle, "Everyone who says '10 minutes max, really means 20, which leads to 30, which takes us 30 minutes away from an hour."

I watched as she laid on the floor and sprawled her legs out.

"Fine, but if we're in there more then 10 minutes...i'm leaving." I laid back on the couch, which I made Sage get deep cleaned.

All I have to do is sit and listen. I don't have to speak, sit and listen, Myana. Nothing big...

Except him.

He's like a big brick wall of inconvenience in my life.

A handsome brick wall....


"What if you bring Leo with you?" I quickly sat up from the couch, "Leo? Why Leo?" She sat up as-well, "Everyone knows Leo has a thing for you. Maybe if you bring him, you won't be so focused on Alessio."

Leo is attractive and kind...but Alessio, Alessio is...more attractive?

No, Myana. It's not about looks. Leo might be able to treat you better.


"That was easier then I thought it would be...Honestly, even if you said no, he was coming anyways. Did you forget he's apart of us?"

She set me up...

"Yeah, I forgot." I said truthfully.

She stood up and grabbed her phone from the coffee table. I watched as her eyes widened. "Shit...I thought the meeting was tomorrow. It's right now."

I sighed, dramatically, and got off the couch. I grabbed a tan jacket and put it over my black tank top. I brushed off my leggings and grabbed my bag

"Well, let's go."

"Alessio is going to whoop our ass." Sage stated.

I opened the front door and fell into the doorframe. She laughed and followed behind me.

"When is Alessio not threatening to whoop someone's ass?" I questioned. She hummed, "Only on days that don't end in, 'y"

We barley made it into the building where the meeting was being held. If it wasn't only down the street, we wouldn't of made it at all.

As we walked into the conference office Alessio's eyes instantly shot onto us.

I ignored his glare and looked directly at Leo, who smile slightly in my direction, slightly nodding his head in approval.

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