Grayson Blue

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A/N: Don't be a silent reader 🌚🌚

Chapter 15

After getting breakfast we decided to take a drive to the town of Gangi.

"It's so crowded here." I said looking around at all the different people. The way they all have their own family and lives is such a complex idea to me.

"This town is a home of many popular palaces and ancient historical sites. A lot of tourists find their way here."

"Are you a history teacher now?" I questioned.

"No. I just grew up around these areas, I like knowing the history of where I live." I looked around at all the different clothing types.

From where Alessio lives, Taormina, Gangi was a two hour drive. It is so worth it.

I gasped as I saw a pet store. "Leo! Can we please go inside?" He stopped walking and pulled me out of the way of other people. "You don't have a pet. Why would you go into a pet store?"

Truth is...i'm hoping it's one of those pet stores with the little puppies inside. I'm getting a puppy.

"Why not? I wanna see the fish." He stared at me for a long moment before giving in.

As we walked inside I internally screamed as I saw they did have animals inside.

"Let's go look at the puppies!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the gates the puppies were guarded in.

Instantly my eyes were drawn to a grey lab with right blue eyes.

"Leo! Look at the puppy! Oh my god!" I ran over and sat down. All the puppies ran over and jumped on me.

"Call Alessio, tell him there's a new family member." Leo shook his head and picked me up from the inside the gate. "Absolutely not."


*10 minutes later*

"Your total today is gonna come to 2,546 dollars." I smiled and handed her the money that Alessio had left on the counter earlier that morning for my adventures of the day.

"I cannot believe i'm gonna die because you wanted a dog." He leaned on the counter and rubbed his head.

"You'll die in the paws of Grayson Blue Miller." Leo stood up straight and glared at me, "You named the dog like he's a person."

"He's my son." I said very seriously. "We're both gonna die in the paws of him..." He rolled his eyes and opened the shop door. "You name your dog Grayson?" I nodded and held him close to me. "Yeah? He's grey and has blue eyes, I can call him my grey baby"

The car ride home was filled with lots of anxiety and stress. I don't think he will kill me. Probably not?

I grabbed Grayson and helped Leo bring in all the new things we bought.

We both froze as we saw Alessio sitting calmly on the couch playing madden. I directed Leo silently up the stairs.

"You're fucking stupid to hide from me, but you can try." Alessio paused his game and stood up from the couch. He ignored Leo and came directly to me.

"Who's this?" He asked without looking down at Grayson who laid asleep in my arms. "Grayson Blue Miller..." He finally looked down at the dog and raised an eyebrow. "Giuliani." He said looking back at me.

"What?" I asked.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Leo slowly set the items down and back out of the door.

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