Floating Piers

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Chapter 18

Love is such an odd feeling. It's beautiful, but so painful, all in one.

Especially loving someone who seemingly cannot be loved.

It's terrifying.

Jumping into the deep end with no idea what is at the bottom.

It's the anxiety of the unknown that's the most horrifying part.

Not knowing whether heartbreak or happiness awaits you.

The real question is...

Are you willing to make that jump?


I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom with me.

"This is where you first seen me naked. Crazy, huh?" He shook his head and lifted me onto the bathroom counter.

"Won't be the last." He lifted my shirt over my head.

Honestly, I don't hate my body, but I don't love it. I can feel comfortable by myself in front of a mirror, but not always in front of others.

Brayden was the first person to see me naked. He was gentle...too gentle. He was gentle with his touch but harsh with his words.

He always said something about my stretch marks on my stomach and butt. Nothing positive.

He let out a deep breath before removing my bra.

Insecurity is a bitch.

I watched as he stepped back, looking at my figure.

By natural reaction, I covered my body, but he grabbed my arms and stopped me.

"No. Don't hide from me." He stepped back in front of me and grabbed my face, "Look at me." My eyes shifted to his. "You're perfect. You're so pretty."

I shook my head and begun to speak but he cut me off when he kissed my lips. I gasped as he moved down to my neck.

I laid my head back against the mirror as he moved down to my collar bone, and then my chest.

"Hey, Myana?" Sante's voice rang out. I looked down at Alessio who only tapped my side, telling me to respond. "Yes?" I held my breath as he moved to my stomach. I ran my hands through his hair.

"Have you seen Alessio? It's important." I shook my head rapidly and pointed to the door as he unbuttoned my jeans. He only smirked and continued.

"I don't think so." I questioned myself.

I don't think so?

Myana, what does that even mean.

Yes or no.

"I mean, no. Why?" It was silent for awhile.

All that was heard was my lack of breathing.

So a lot of nothing.

He moved back to my neck.

"Alessio, Pavel è qui" He sighed deeply and pulled away. "Listen to me for once in your life. Do not leave this bedroom until I come get you."

He grabbed my shirt and put it over my head.

"Sit and stay." I nodded and hopped off of the counter.

Whatever it was, I knew it had something to do with Pavel, whoever he is, and he does not like him.

I know that Pavel owes him money and he's angry about it.

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