Another One

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A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is shorter but I realllllly needed to update! Don't be silently reader lmk what you're thinking. I love reading comments 🌚

 I love reading comments 🌚

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Chapter 4

Alessio took us all to dinner after the job, everything on the menu was over 50 dollars.

This man has to be made of money...

"Why the fuck aren't you ordering." Alessio glanced at me from the corner of his eye. I looked away from him and down at my menu, not wanting to make eye contact. "Sorry, it's just all expensive..."

"I own the god damn restaurant, now order." I smiled sheepishly at the waiter who stared down at me with a wide smile. "I'll just have your spaghetti..."

Alessio sat next to me, Sage sat across from me, and Sante and Carmine sat next to Alessio.

I stood up to use the restroom, forgetting that I was kidnapped by a mafia boss. "Where the fuck do you think your going?" Alessio rested his fist on the table, looking directly at me.

"The bathroom?" He rolled his eyes and went back to his conversation with Sante. I cautiously walked to the back of the restaurant, where the restrooms were located.

"Hey, you were the girl who ordered, just spaghetti!" I looked around behind me, "Sorry?" I questioned, confused as to what his point was. "It's just strange, whenever people come here they order extravagant things, not spaghetti."

I chuckled, "Clearly there's something extravagant about it if it's 65 dollars." He nodded and smiled, "That's fair, I'm Leo." I nodded, it was rude of me not to give him my name but under the circumstances, I think I have a good reason not to.

I began to walk to the bathroom again, "So I don't get the mysteriously beautiful girls name?" I smiled over my shoulder, "I'm sure you'll earn it some day."

After using the restroom and washing my hands, I removed my hair tie from my hair, letting it fall down my back. The relief of letting your down after a long day...

As I walked out of the bathroom, Leo watched me the whole way until I got back to my table. I'm sure he was trying to flirt with me but i'm just focused on staying alive.

"Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes at Santes smart comment, "Sorry, some guy was flirting with me and I had to let him down gently, i'm sure you don't have that issue though."

He scoffed and turned his body away from me while crossing his arms, dramatic.

As I looked at Alessio , I noticed his eyes were now completely black, a clear sign he was pissed.

He wasn't this mad a second ago...

I glanced at Sage and noticed she was already looking at me, she just shook her head and went back to her conversation.

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