I'm Proud

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Chapter 16

"I take it back! I'm built for the slammer! Let them take me! I can't train with you anymore!" I said tapping the mat repeatedly. "I'm making you stronger. If you can deal with me, you'll be just fine dealing with anyone else."

I laid across the floor in pain. He threw sandbags at my body and expected me to stay on my feet.

I don't even like getting out of bed and he expected me to catch a 40 pound sandbag.

"I'll let them kill me, it's fine. I lived a decent life." He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. "No one is killing you. Don't fall this time, I will keep throwing them." I groaned and positioned my body the best I could to catch them.

"Catch 10 in a row and i'll let Sage run your training for the rest of the time."


After attempting the 10 catch, three times, I was finally able to do it.

"You're working me too hard, I won't be able to go on this job if i'm passed out from exhaustion." He nodded slowly, as if he was considering letting me have a break.

"Let's take Gray for a walk, then you're done." I limped out of the training room and grabbed Gray's leash.

"You ready?" He asked as I secured the leash around Gray's neck. "For what..." I asked defeated.

"We're jogging around the neighborhood for a half hour." I fell to the floor in a dramatic manner causing Alessio to run over to me and Gray to lick my face. "What's wrong?" I rolled over onto my stomach. "I don't run!"

He scoffed and got off of the floor. "Get up." I scooted my body all the way to the front door before I actually got off the floor.


After our "jog", which was not a fucking jog, by the way!, I took a shower and laid across my bed in just a towel until I had to get ready.

"Hey girl." I slowly rolled over and looked at Sage who stood in the doorway wearing all black. "Hello." I said nonchalantly.

"Where is my nephew?" She asked looking under my bed. "With Alessio somewhere in the house."

"What's your deal?" She sat down on the bed next to me and laid down. "I am lazy, and he works me so hard. I just wanna be lazy."

"Do you wanna survive?" I looked over at her. "Somedays." She smacked my shoulder. "Well, he's only trying to keep you safe. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to you."

I sat up and changed into black leggings and a black jacket with black shoes. All black is used to "blend in with the shadows." I guess?

I slowly walked down the stairs with Sage. Every movement I made hurt from my sore body.

"Carmine get your hands off my dog." I said as Gray ran over to me, when I finally made it down the stairs. "Oh...Myana, I see you're lovely as always."

I gave him a fake smile and sat down in a chair. Alessio came behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders. "Sage is gonna give you something to take." He whispered in my ear.

I stared, zoned out at the coffee table.

He slightly squeeze my shoulder, "Myana." I hummed in response. "Come to my office."

I slowly got up and followed behind him. Gray laid on Sage's lap.

"You're not focused. This is serious Myana." I leaned on his desk in front of him and nodded. "I wanted to tell you the plan first, so you don't panic." I stared at him. "We're gonna put a harness on you and drop you down to grab the drive. Sage, Kat and Inez are gonna go down with you and stand on the ground incase someone comes in."

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