One Chance

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Chapter 13

After I finished eating I walked around the house to find where he went.

"Alessio?" I slowly pushed open his office door. Kat sat on his desk in front of him. They haven't seen me yet...

"Why did she stay here last night." Kat said angrily. "None of your damn business." He rolled backwards in his chair and faced away from her.

"You love her...don't you." He harshly turned around. I quickly moved against the wall. "Don't speak on things you don't understand. I don't love her." She scoffed.

"You'd die for her. I heard how crazy you went when she left." It was silent for a moment. So silent I thought I was caught.

"Get the hell out, and don't come back. If you step foot in my house again i'll hang your head on my wall." I watched as she stormed out of the room.

I leaned against the wall, hiding my smile.

"Fuck are you looking at, bitch." Kat turned towards me. As I lunged at her I was grabbed mid air.

"Alessio! Your girls are fighting again." I swung my legs in circles until the person who grabbed me dropped me to the  ground. "Myana, this is the second time you've kicked my balls. I let it go the first time, now i'm getting pissed."

I got off the ground and apologized to Sante before running at Kat.

I lifted my fist and pounded it forcefully into her face.

"You broke my nose!" She rolled over onto her stomach and covered her face. Before I could roll her back over Alessio grabbed me. "Get off of me Alessio!"

"As much as I enjoyed that, I don't need two of my best ladies hurt." I ripped his hands from around me. "Don't touch me."

"Watch who your talking to. I let you get your hit in because she disrespected you. If she does it again she'll get more then a broken nose."

I pulled the ponytail from my hair and ran my hands through it as I watched Carmine throw her out the door.

"These girls are relentless, be lucky Sage wasn't here. I can't stop that girl, she's psychotic." Sante rested his hands on his knees and took deep breaths.

"Myana, I want to talk to you in my office." I rolled my eyes as I blinked. I'm gonna be the one that gets yelled at because SHE'S a bitch.


"Close the door." I slowly closed the door and turned around. "Can we make this fast? I need to check on Sage."

"I want you and Sage to stay here." I stared at the wall behind his head. He has it all planned out. His whole game. He's never gonna leave me alone.

Do I want him to?

He dragged me down the streets of New York...

But he did apologize, kinda.

He's an abuser.

He's just damaged...

That's no excuse.

"Myana." I finally looked at him after staring at the wall. "Why?" He raised an eyebrow. I watched as it formed a perfect arch. "Why do you always try and pull me back in with you?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Because." I scoffed. "Because? All I can get out of you is a 'because" He sat down at his desk and opened his laptop.

"Hello! I'm not staying here unless I get a reason!" He quickly shifted his eyes to my own. "Because, Myana." I shook my head in retaliation. "No."

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