Just a Night, Babe

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A/N: Don't be a silent reader 🌚

Chapter 12

"And then he said i'm staying! Like this was his plan the whole time!" I watched Sage pace back and forth through her living room. "We need to go out."

I lifted my head from my hands. "What?" She stopped pacing and stood in front of me. "We need to party, get drunk, probably cry, and pretend tonight never happened." I slowly nodded.

"You're right..."


*The next morning*

I laid with my eyes closed for, what felt like, hours. Sages bed is so comfortable.

I rolled over and slammed into someone's chest. "Sorry Sage." I mumbled and laid my head back.

"Glad to see your alive." My eyes shot open as I heard Alessio's deep voice. I moved so far away from him I fell directly off the bed. "Good morning to you too..." He got up and extended his hand for me to take but I noticed his eyes were on my body.

As I looked down I realized...

"Why am I naked!" I quickly grabbed the sheet from the bed and wrapped it firmly around me. "Are you going to take my hand or continue to yell?"

Why does my hair feel damp...

Okay Myana...you're naked on his floor.

I'm naked.

On...his floor.

I was in his bed....naked.

"Oh my god what did I do?" He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. He grabbed my hips and moved me back to the bed where I could sit down.

"Relax princess. You were drunk and stripped." My eyes widened. "What! How did I get here?" I rubbed my head. "We can talk later...go change into some of my clothes and sober up. I'll be downstairs."

I'm naked in his bed.


*5 hours earlier*

"Sage, i've never heard of pregaming a bar..." I took the shot glass and downed it anyway.

Most disgusting taste ever....

"Well then you haven't been living the right way my sweet Myana." I shook my head and grabbed my heels, strapping them around my ankle. "The uber is outside, get excited and get wasted."

I chuckled and locked the door behind me.

The ride to the club consisted of Sage yelling at the uber driver for taking the long way...the entire time.

I secretly left a five dollar tip in apology to Sage's behavior and stepped out.

As we walked into the bar, which was more a club, the smell hit me. Sweaty bodies and liquor. Enough to make your stomach turn instantly.

"Here!" Sage had already got us drinks within the two seconds of entering the building. "Cheers to waking up in someone else's bed tonight!" I shook my head, but still cheered to it.

Maybe that's what I need...

About a shot of vodka and a few long island's later, we were both dancing our hearts out on the dance floor. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, especially the men when my dress would ride up, but nothing mattered in the moment.

I felt someone move behind me.

"I've never seen you here before." He whispered in my ear before biting it. I didn't enjoy the feeling he gave me. I turned around to face him. "I like to keep it that way." I began to walk away but stumbled on my heels.

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