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Chapter 35

I shifted uncomfortably under Pavel and his men stares. 

He stares at me. Not an angry stare, not a confused stare...a knowing one.

"Forgive me for being surprised that you're here, but I'm sure you can understand." I watch as he sets his cup down on the coffee table in front of him. "Why are you here?"

I sigh, "I'm here to ask you about mom. I...I never got to meet her and Merella isn't here to tell me anymore, thanks to you." He tilts his head to the side. "You want to know about the women you took from me?" 

I wish I could hate him for accusing me of these things, but that's not why I hate him...I hate him for the pain he's caused everyone else around me. 

"I guess I'll entertain this." He sits up straight, I watch as he dismisses the men around him and the men around me. He dismisses all of them...they all leave out of the front door. 

"She was the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She was the type of women you saw on a vacation and thought about for the rest of your life." He smiles to himself, "She was always so happy, always had a smile. God, her smile made me drop to my knees every time. I would have done anything for her." 

"I would have burned this entire world for her." I look down at my hands, feeling too ashamed to keep looking at him in the eye. "Her entire pregnancy with you was complicated. She was on bed rest for half of it, sick to her stomach all of the time. She lost so much weight, everyone told her to terminate the baby. You were killing her slowly."

Merella never told me any of this...she said mom was fine. 

"She told all of us that she would rather die then lose the baby she grew so attached to. She was terrified she was going to love you more then Merella. She just felt so connected to you since she knew she was pregnant. I begged her. I begged and begged her to terminate, begged her to consider adoption." 

I finally looked back at him, he's crying.

"She never listened. She was everything to me. She was the love of my life. I blame you because I can't blame her. She's dead for fucks sake. She's dead and you're alive." His eyes are bloodshot. His cheeks are red. He's so hurt...

"I know you have a plan to kill me." I inhaled a breath so deep that I almost choked. "Go through with it." 

"What?" I ask. 

"I want to die. But I won't die by the hands of you." I nod. "What about me?" Marsh asks from behind him, he must of snuck in. "The irony." Pavel chuckles. "Let's get this over with." He sighs, "When you shoot me, take the back door. All of my guards are up front."

Marsh and I glance at each other. "Why are you helping us?" 

"I would have done anything to make your mother happy. She'd be happy if I was with her...but she'd be happier if you lived a happy life. You won't live a happy life as long as I'm alive...I cannot allow it. So kill me now and get far away." 

I watch as Marsh raises his gun and puts it against Pavel's head. Pavel took a deep breath and released it. "I'll see you soon, my love." Marsh and I exchange glances before he pulls the trigger. 

It all seems too easy. Alessio has spent years trying to kill him, and he just gives up like this? 

I turn quickly as Sage runs into the house. "I heard a shot." She looks at Pavel's body on the floor. "Well that was easy." 

Just as we were about to celebrate the entire house shook. I felt my body be thrown against a wall somewhere in the living room. 

My ears are ringing. 

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