Anything and Everything

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Chapter 26

I decided to cook breakfast for everyone as they picked up the mess from the storm.

"You're cooking and i'm scared." Alessio said as he walked behind me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"Wish I could say I'm hurt by that, but you've said worse." I flipped the pancakes and grabbed the strawberries from the fridge.

"I hate when you wake up before me." I cut the tops from the strawberries and placed them in a bowl, "Why's that?"

"Because you make me nervous when you're up alone."

I chuckled and moved the pancakes onto a plate. "Why would I make you nervous? I'm very careful."

"Careful?" He questioned. "Concrete calls your name."

"I've fallen in front of you only three times and i've only actually hit the ground once."

I grabbed a stack of plates from the cupboard and leaned out the kitchen window.

"Foods ready!"

It didn't take long for everyone to pile into the kitchen.

"No bacon?" Sante asked.

"Make your own."

"She probably already poisoned your food, sweet cheeks. I'd be careful." Carmine said patting his shoulder.

"Get off of me." Sante pushed Carmine, "No, why are you always touching me, you gotta problem."

"Oh, I'm the one with the problem!"

I sighed and took my plate outside, Alessio following me.

"They never stop." I sat down in the sand and crossed my legs under me.

"We have to go back to Sicily for a bit—my father wants to see us."

Normally when being told that your going to see your boyfriends father, you're anxious of what he may think of you.

You're not scared for your life.

"Oh." Is all I could manage to say.

"Don't be scared, he won't touch you." He laid his hand on my leg, "And if he does, i'll burn the world to the ground."

He smirked slightly and squeezed my thigh.

"We came to join the party." Everyone came outside on the beach and ate the rest of their food.

There was no arguing, which is surprising.

It was just laughs.

Nothing but a good time.

I was taken away from the group as my phone rang.

"Hey, Myana".

"Inez! Where have you been? Are you okay? We've been worried..." I rambled out.

"I'm okay, my mom has been sick so i've been here in the states taking care of her, but i'm back in Sicily now."

"Sorry to hear about your mom... we're coming into town soon to see Alessio's father—i'll see you then?"

"Yup." She said before hanging up.

We spent most of the day in the water and on the beach.

Carmine got severely burnt and then cried over Lucia, who he clearly misses dearly.

I looked closely at my dark circles in the bathroom mirror as I dried my hair. I don't think they'll ever go away.

Not because i'm actually tired, but because mentally— I don't think i'll ever recover from
everything i've been through, you know?

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