Nineteen Years

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Chapter 20

*Alessio's POV"

Driving fast is "dangerous and illegal" but so is climbing a barb wire fence into a no trespassing area, but kids still do it.

You know what pisses me off?

The law.

Making something illegal makes people like me ,want to do it even more.

The law is a joke.

They don't truly care, they want money. I pay the sons of bitches money, good money too, to turn away from the shit I do.

But there's always that one damn officer who actually cares.

That's not even the point.

He will lose his job if he tries to build a case against me.

Plus my mom is labeled "the best lawyer" in multiple states across the world.

Myana's safety is my priority now. My own safety comes last, everyone dies.

Going 95 miles an hour is scary the first time you do it, it's just about control.

I've known Myana a little over a year now, and I know that she is the clumsiest, stupidest air headed person i've ever met.

But she's also smart, balanced.

She has this crazy intuition, one I don't even have. We could blindfold her and she'd know when and where we'd attack.

She's observant.


Kind hearted.

Everything I'm not.

Maybe that's why I believe that we could work.

Her beauty is so unexplainable.

She has this beautiful smile—when she smiles her dimple shows, she only has one.

She loves the orange lillie's in the backyard my mom planted years ago.

She loves the rain and the moon—-the stars.

God, she stares so intently at the stars. Her eyes light up while she's trying to connect them into shapes.

She likes to take a blanket outside and lay in the grass to look at the sky.

Her nose wrinkles when she laughs. It's the cutest thing.

She always has bracelets on her wrists, maybe she used to cut, but she plays with them when she's nervous.

I've been secretly looking for her father, but there's been nothing. Not even a name to follow.

Whoever he is and wherever he went, he's good.

But i'm better.

I pulled into the garage and parked my car.

"Leo." I greeted cooly.

"They should be back by now, i'm getting worried." He pisses me off. Worrying about shit that isn't his.

"Don't worry about her."

Since the first day he saw her I knew he wanted her, he'll never have her.

Grayson ran to the door as Myana and Sage entered the house.

She ran to me, opening her arms and wrapping them around me.

I didn't acknowledge it.

Not that I didn't want to, but i've had a feeling for awhile one of my closet men are rats.

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