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A/N: Don't be a silent reader 🌚

Chapter 14

As soon as I finally memorized where my clothes were at in their drawers I went downstairs for dinner.

This house needs a dog.

I'm for sure bringing a dog home.

"You're just in time." I smiled, but I was kinda disappointed to see everyone surrounding the table. Not that I don't enjoy their company... but Kat, the whore Kat, sat with them.

I pulled out my chair and sat down next to Sage. "I thought it was just us..." I whispered. "It never truly is. She's like one of those pimples that just seem to come back even after they leave, just for a little while...then BOOM." She stood up and slammed her hands on the table, "it's back again like a leech!"

"You'll see a leech when I drop your dead body in the lake on the other side of town, bitch!" Kat stood up at the other end of the table. Sante sighed and dropped his napkin down, roughly. "Do you just like getting your ass beat? Alessio, dude i'm getting tired of saving her."

I sighed deeply and stood up as well, "I got my hit in already." Sage laughed and high-fived both my hands, "She always did need a nose job."

"Lessi go on, tell them." We all looked at Alessio who sat silently amused at the head of the table. "Well, I was going to allow Katherine and her friend, Inez, who we were meant to greet today at this dinner, stay here with us...but seeing as you'll destroy my house with your pettiness, they'll be staying in their own place just down the street."

Sage plopped down in her chair so hard that it came off the ground and almost fell backwards, "Great, another ass to beat."

Carmine cleared his throat. "As amusing as this is, i'm hungry and not seeing food..." I watched as Alessio's eyes never left mine as he began to walk into the kitchen. "Myana, come with me."

I slightly sighed and followed.

As we reached the kitchen he abruptly stopped and turned around, causing me to run straight into his chest.

"Jesus. What are you? Made of steel!" I rubbed my head and stared at his hand that rested on my hip. "I only changed my plan of Katherine staying here for you." I smiled.

His efforts are kind but not nearly enough.

Kat staying here wouldn't of worked anyway. We would of ran her and her friend out, or we would of left.

"Thank you for your best efforts, kind sir." I pretended to lift my invisible dress. "Cut your shit. Help me set their food out." I dramatically groaned and grabbed sets of silverware. "They can't get their own stuff?" He shook his head as he placed the cheesy chicken and rice on the plates.

"Can we get a dog?" This time he looked up and directly into my eyes. "No." I grabbed two plates and set them in front of Sage and Carmine. "Why not? Sage, shouldn't we get a dog?" Sage laughed hysterically. "Alessio cant stand animals, have fun trying to convince him."

"I think I could change his mind." This time it was Sante's turn to laugh. "You are hilarious, Myana!" I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door as the bell rang.

"Finally, you're always late." I smiled and pulled Leo into a hug. I haven't been able to see him much anymore since he's been so busy with Alessio's new requests. "Careful, there's a demon who walks the earth not far behind me." I shook my head, knowing he's referring to Inez, Kat's friend. "Hurry and close the door!" Leo shouted.

We both laughed as she ran in before it closed on her. "I'm not like Katherine, I don't talk before I fight." Leo and I both glanced at each other before turning around and going to sit down at the dinning table.

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