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Chapter 32

"What do you mean? What have you been doing?" He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "He's still out there."


All this time he's been out there and Alessio left me alone...

"So you never caught him." He shook his head, tightening his hold on me. "You knew that he was out there, yet you left me alone in the house, the house in which he knows about."

"I would never put your life in danger like that...I wouldn't leave you alone unless I knew it was safe."

He never did truly understand what I went through. I guess the only way to help him understand is to actually tell him.

"When..." I know it's over now, but it's still so current. "When I was in that basement with Kat...we were only allowed food every three days— that's if they felt like it."

"The beatings..."

I can remember the feeling in my ribs. The feeling of my lungs burning.

"Myana stop."

"I just needed you. I still need you. I don't care where Pavel is, we lost our child..." I wiped the tears from under my eyes. "I know that, don't you think I know that? I know. I know what I said before, about us being parents, but that doesn't mean I wasn't crushed to hear that we lost a child."

"I needed you, we needed each other. Please just come home. I can't keep doing this without you."

I can't sleep any longer then three hours a night, I can't eat and if I do eat it doesn't stay down.

There are things in life people can't handle alone, no matter how independent.

"I want to go back on jobs with you guys. Don't bother telling me no because i'm coming regardless." He grabbed my head and kissed it, "Missed that attitude."

As he drove home his hand ran up and down my leg. I missed him.


"Oh come on! You've never sucked water from a rag as a kid?" Carmine asked us as most of us shook our heads. "Carmine, there's a difference between sucking water out of a clean rag, and a used one."

I gasped and sat up from Alessio's chest. "You sucked water from a dirty rag?"

"There was a hint of soap." We all groaned and laughed.

I laid back down on Alessio's chest and laid my head in his neck. He wrapped his arm tightly around me, "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you."

Sante and Sage are having one of those rare moments where they aren't arguing. Meanwhile, Carmine and Lucia are inseparable, and it's annoying all of us.

"Hey, boss I forgot to tell you that Marsh wants to speak." Carmine said after he finally stopped explaining himself about the dirty rag. Alessio sat up slightly. "How do you forget to tell me that?"

"I was too busy being judged!"

He sighed and sat up, "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I just don't feel like going to argue with him. I'd have to leave you here alone again and-"

"Let me come with you then." I gave him a smile and he shook his head. "Everyone get ready." He said, "if anything happens your priority is Myana."

"She's coming with us?" Sage pushed Sante off of her and ran to me. "He didn't have a choice." I mumbled.

Alessio rolled his eyes and smacked my butt as I stood up, "I'm not sure I can let you leave the house anymore."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?"

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