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Chapter 29

If I could run up the stairs and away from him, I would, but due to the fact that I can barely breathe without chest pain...I doubt i'll make it far.

"Myana if you'd let me-" I entered our bedroom and slammed the door before he could walk in. I would stay in my bedroom but she slept in the bed.

Even if what he's saying is true...he still felt that he needed another girl as a distraction to him, while I was fighting for my life in my fathers basement.

It's like he gave up after awhile.

I see his shadow underneath the door, I watch as he sits down in front of it.

I'm not even mad at him. Truthfully, even if I wanted to be mad, I couldn't. I'm just happy to be home and alive.

There's a positive side to everything if you look close enough...

At least, that's what I like to tell myself.

I've waited so long to be able to take a normal shower. Our, "showers" there, was dish soap and a bucket.

It made me happy to see he kept everything of mine where I had it last.

I wish I could pretend that I never saw her in the house, just had never found out.

I feel like a lot of life issues would be a lot easier if they were just never known.

After standing under the warm water for at least 20 minutes, I got out and dried my hair.

I want to talk to him, be around him, lay with him.

I missed him so much while I was gone.

Life can never be easy.

I wonder how Kat is doing, her condition was worse then mine last time I saw her. I opened the bedroom door and walked passed Alessio.

"Myana, please" I slowly, but surely, made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Hi, honey." I sighed and sat down on the stool next to Sage. "Hey, how's Kat doing?" I asked.

"Kat?" She questioned. "Yes?"

"You want to know about Kat? You hate Kat." I shook my head and grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter, "Things change after you get tortured with someone."

"She's in the basement resting, she asked to see you but I figured you wouldn't want to." I stood up, slowly, once again, and washed my apple off at the sink.

"Do you need help getting down the basement stairs?" Alessio asked, leaning against the counter next to me. "Yes, good thing Sage is here to help me."

"Myana, let me help you." He carefully grabbed my arm, my body automatically reacting to his touch. I pulled my arm away and leaned towards Sage.

"Help me please." She nodded and followed me down the stairs. "Thank you."

Sage carefully helped me down the stairs and reluctantly left Kat and I alone.

I walked over to Kat's bed and sat down next to her. "You look rough." I laughed and leaned against the headboard, "I could say the same for you."

"I feel much better though. Look, my skin has color now." She pointed to her arm and laughed.

"I did feel better, until I found out that I lost my baby AND that Alessio had another girl here."

"I'm sorry, Myana. I just can't believe that Alessio would have another girl here, anyone can see his love and care for you."

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