Absolutely Speechless

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A/N: Whatt??? I'm posting 3 chapters within a month??? I hope you guys enjoy, don't be a silent reader🌚

Chapter 8

"Alessio-" His dad sat up straight, "No. We are not getting married and that's it." His father nodded. "I see..." He cleared his throat, "I just want what's best for you, son. If you feel she's not best for you, then she's not."

Alessio exhaled a long breath. "Dad. It's nothing about the girl. I don't want to find love with someone by taking them or forcing them to feel something they don't. It may have worked with you and Mom, but I don't want to be like you guys. You're both miserable without each other but more miserable when you're together."

I don't think i've ever heard Alessio speak this much...

"Ok..if this isn't what you want then by all means release her, but don't come crying to me when you're overlooked because you lead alone."

"I prove everything with myself, I don't need a female by my side to prove i'm who they say I am." His Mom grabbed my hand and gave me a smile. I nodded in return.

"Gio, let her speak her side...she deserves to be heard." He nodded his head towards me, telling me to speak.

"I understand you want your son to look good in the eyes of the people...and i'm sort of honored...I guess, that you chose me to do so, but this isn't how I want to fall in love. This isn't how you should want your son to either...I have a life of my own that I was taken from. With all due respect, I'd like to return to it."

He sighed and rested his chin on his hand, "If it truly makes you both unhappy..." He looked at Cat once before looking back to us both, "Then I suppose the wedding is canceled."

I let out a sigh of relief and grabbed Alessio's hand without thinking. His eyes met mine quickly, I instantly pulled away but kept the smile on my face.

He made his father seem like a terrible person...but he seemed to let the whole wedding thing go easier then we thought.

We said our goodbyes and got into the car, Alessio made everyone ride with his mother on the way back.

Honestly, I was scared to get in the car alone with him.

He opened the car door for me. I got in and buckled my seatbelt, tightening it just incase.

"I don't want you to join us." I sat there in awe. "But I thought-" He cut me off, "No. You were right. You have a life of your own that you need to get back to."

"Well that's ironic, considering you're the one who took me from it in the first place." I've had it with him. He's so hot and cold and I refuse to do it anymore. "You know what Alessio, you're right. I have a life of my own. Take me to the prison you held me in, i'll pack my bags and be gone by morning."

"Do you not see i'm trying to give it back to you!" I rolled my eyes and turned my body to face him, "You didn't care enough when you took it!"

"I didn't know you then! I know enough now to see that you don't belong here." I silently nodded, I'm not letting him take anymore of my energy.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway of my prison, I quickly got out of the car and packed my bags.

"Myana..." Sage leaned against the door way. "Sage I'm sorry but I won't do it anymore." She nodded and stood next to me, helping me pack my bags. "You're making the right decision." I gave her a small smile, "You should come with me.. have a life of your own."

She shook her head, "I'm not trapped here. If I wanted to leave I could. I choose to be here because, although they're assholes, I love these guys and I sure hope they love me. I'd die for them."

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