Hate Messages, Cheat Sheets and Panties

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*Teet- Ring- Teet- Ring*

Grayson checks his phone, immediately turns it off and puts it inside his pocket.

He looks at Erin and says, “Hate messages.”

“What? I didn’t say anything,” Erin tries to protest.

“You didn’t have to. I know you,” Grayson answers.

“You used to,” she replies scoffingly. “Anyway, just ignore it. It’s not worth getting upset about.”

Grayson’s playful smile fades as Erin continues flatly. “Let’s study.”                                                

So they hunker down and study in the living room. Erin opens the red binder and scans through the “cheat sheets” – as Ms.V calls them. Seeing some of the pages on the binder, Erin vaguely recalls seeing some classmates poring through it. She thought nothing of it, it’s not in her nature after all to meddle in other people’s business and besides, she doesn’t need any form of help at all for her to become the class valedictorian. She is perfectly capable of doing that on her own. This is the first time that she has seen the complete collection bound in the most majestic manner.  

“Hmmm.. These aren’t cheat sheets at all. What this is is a compilation of test sheets and really well organized notes on the topics,” she sounds impressed.

“Well, they’re not this year’s test sheets but they are official Greenvale High test sheets of previous years and the problem is, the questions are similar and many are the same because the teachers are the same and the books they use are the same with slight differences perhaps in some editions,” Erin shares her thoughts with Grayson.

“I guess we can study these first as reference then we’ll use my notes of the lessons and topics in the exam coverage. We’ll of course use our books, because, yeah— I bet they are going to make your test tough,” Erin predicts.

Before long, Mrs.Blanco comes into the living room with two glasses of mango juice. The mom dotes on the two. “Ooh, you two just look so cute. It seems like only yesterday that you two were still so little and barely even have panties and pants on when you two were running around outside playing.”

Erin blushes as she smiles in embarrassment.

“Mom?!” Grayson protests. “We have to study.”

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now