Here We Go

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Grayson is in awe of the imposing size of the gym now that it’s relatively empty. The first time he took a test here, he was with all the other Greenvale High Seniors; now, it’s only him. His eyes are drawn to the group of armchairs arranged in the middle of the court. There is a single armchair in the middle. He understands that that will be his chair for this special day. Surrounding the central chair are eight other armchairs arranged in a square— one chair in each corner and a chair in between two corners. Each side is about twenty feet in length. These are for all the eight subject teachers who will be proctoring the exam. The chairs are not too close the central chair that their presence will create a feeling of confinement. They are also not too far as to make it impossible for the proctors to catch cheating, if any.

Grayson closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Here we go.

“Good luck Grayson. I know you can do it. You will pass this test! 90! ” Erin tells Grayson confidently. She wants to kiss him but there are teachers present. She doesn’t want to act inappropriately in front their eyes, so they part ways without a good luck kiss. She is escorted out of the gym by Sir Bert and Grayson is asked to go take a seat at the center chair by a stern looking Ms.V.

Now seated in the central chair, Grayson prepares himself for war. His mind is focused. He has studied for this test for two weeks straight. He has had help from the Red Binder. His tutor had been no less than their class valedictorian. He had been lucky enough to have a final review class with each of the subject teachers. He is ready for this. He knows it. He just has to prove it to himself, Erin, the faculty surrounding him and to the Greenvale High Seniors outside the school gates cheering for him.

Sir Bert rejoins the faculty inside the gym after personally escorting Erin out of the school gates. He approaches the seated student.

Grayson closes his eyes once more, takes a slow deep breath and centers himself. When he opened his eyes, a smiling Ms. Eva is already standing in front of him handing his first 100 item test.

“Good luck,” Ms. Eva wishes Grayson well.

“Okay Mr. Blanco, for each test, you are given 1 hour. Should you finish the exam early, you can submit it to your subject teacher and ask for the next subject test,” Sir Bert begins explaining. “After the teacher receives your submission, your test will immediately be checked on the spot— here,” Sir Bert continues as he motions to the occupied armchairs surrounding Grayson. “This means that after you take your final test in the afternoon, it will only about 20 minutes before WE know if you pass or not. So Mr.Blanco are you ready?” Sir Bert asks Grayson.

“Yes sir,” Grayson says with a calm voice which is matched by the seriousness in his eyes.

“AND remember, your passing grade, just as your classmates are chanting outside, will be a score of 90 per exam,” Sir Bert emphasizes.

Grayson takes a deep breath as he briefly closes his eyes then he nods.

“Okay, begin,” Sir Bert prompts.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now