Time Travelling Bikes

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Having studied the entire day, they leave their books behind and get out their bikes. They meet in the middle of the street with their bikes at their sides.

“Are you ready? Let’s ride,” Grayson tells Erin as he straddles his bike.

“Uhm, I haven’t really ridden my bike in a while,” Erin hesitates.

“Don’t worry, you know what they say, riding a bike is like uhm— riding a bike, you never really forget it. Hop on and let’s ride around the village,” Grayson encourages Erin.

“Okay,” Erin says as she straddles her bike, spinning the right pedal and stopping it in its elevated position with her right foot in preparation for the initial pedal.

“There you go,” Grayson comments.

Erin smiles. Everything is coming back to her now.

“Let’s go,” she eagerly says as she pushes down on the pedal with her right foot and pushing forward on the road with her left foot. She wobbles a couple of times for the first few feet but maintains her balance.

“Come on Grayson!” she calls out to Grayson who still hasn’t moved from their starting point.

Grayson let’s her have a short lead but he quickly dashes off to her side matching her speed.

“Didn’t I tell you that you’d remember,” he tells her.

Erin smiles.

Today, their bikes are not ordinary bikes, they are time machines. With their light hollow frames, metal handle bars, small seats and thin wheels, they transport Grayson and Erin not only to the next block but also back in time. They ride around the village like when they were still young children. They zoom past the same roads and they have the same smiling faces as their younger selves. They even laugh the way they did back then.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now