Grayson's Letter

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Monday morning, as Erin makes her way out of their house she finds a note that has been slid under their door. She sees her name written in Grayson’s handwriting. She grabs it excitedly and walks over to the corner of their street. There, the Greenvale High school bus is waiting. She gets on the green school bus takes a seat by the window and reads the note.

I’m sorry.

Forgive me.

- Grayson

Erin folds the paper up again, holding it tightly in her hand. She sighs as she leans her head against the window and looks outside. She stares blankly out the window for the rest of the bus ride. As the bus turns the corner towards Greenvale High, Erin sees Grayson walking down the street, making his way to school. Grayson looks up and their eyes meet. Words are not spoken, there were no smiles exchanged, no mouthed “His” nor “Hellos”, no hand waving— nothing. They just looked into each other’s eyes for a brief fleeting moment.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now