The Morning After

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Sunday morning— Erin wakes up in her bed. Her mind keeps on repeating what happened yesterday in the rain. Every time she closes her eyes she can feel Grayson’s lips on hers. Was it just a dream? She stays in bed longer than usual. She closes her eyes and hugs her teddy bear tight.  Grayson…


Grayson too is awake. He has his hands under his head and his legs in a figure four. He looks blankly into his ceiling. His mind repeats what happened yesterday— what he made happen.  He wonders if it was right. He thinks about the kiss. Erin…


Erin exits her room and stretches her arms up with a yawn by her door.

“Good morning Erin. Let’s eat,” her Dad invites her.

She smiles as she joins her parents at the breakfast table.

They eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Erin lingers at the table. She barely touched her mug of hot choco. She is staring into space, lost in thought.

“Erin?” her mom asks.

“Huh? Mom?” Erin snaps out of her trance.

“Don’t you need to go to Grayson’s this morning?” her mom asks her the question she’s been asking herself since last night.

“Hmm… no,” she answers.

“Okay Erin,” her mom smiles as she leaves her daughter with her thoughts and her barely touched mug of hot choco.


At the Blancos’ breakfast table, a similar conversation takes place.

“So, what are you two going to study today?” Grayson’s father asks.

“I don’t know dad. I guess we’re going to have a break today,” Grayson replies.

“I think that’s for the best. You need to have rest breaks in between study periods so that you don’t get burnt out,” his mom adds.

Grayson washes the plates after breakfast, his hands are wet but in his thoughts, his whole body still is. He is still under the rain with Erin, holding her close and kissing her sweet beautiful lips.


They both stay at home. 

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now