A Mob No More

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After the personal Physics review with the Physics teacher and Senior Level Coordinator, the three exit the classroom and go down the stairs. Sir Bert excuses himself to go to the faculty room leaving Grayson and Erin to continue their way down. At the ground floor, just at the main gate, they once again cross paths with the Greenvale High Seniors who have just been released from the school gym. It’s different now. This time they are no longer a mob out for Grayson’s blood.

“Grayson!” Lisa and her two friends call out.

Grayson and Erin stop in their tracks and look at the three. The three girls are all smiles as they run to Grayson to give him the plastic envelope they have spent the entire afternoon filling.

“Here,” Lisa hands Grayson the envelope.

“Uh… thanks?” Grayson says, sounding a bit unsure what he is supposed to be thankful about.

“Bye. Good luck!” Lisa and the other two girls say joining the rest of the seniors as they leave the school.

“Bye,” Erin says to the departing girls. Grayson smiles and waves bye.

Grayson was about to open the envelope when Erin stops him.

“Don’t. You’ll spoil it,” Erin directs Grayson’s attention to something written on the paper that’s clearly visible on top of the other notes.

Open the night before your exam.

“Oh…” Grayson realizes the mistake he almost made. “Here, maybe it’s best that you keep it for me until I am allowed to open it,” Grayson says as he turns over the clear plastic envelope to Erin.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now