Ms.V's Challenge

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*Urhemm* Sir Bert interrupts the two. “It’s almost time for the afternoon tests,” he informs them.

“Okay sir,” Erin says as Grayson nods in acknowledgment.

“So, I guess I’ll see you outside in a few hours,” Erin says as she stands.

“See you after the exam,” Grayson tells her.

The eight teachers soon gather back at their armchairs surrounding the central chair. Grayson takes this as a signal that the test will begin soon. He takes his seat and once again composes himself. He closes his eyes and readies his mind for the next few hours’ of high stakes cognitive challenge.

Grayson finishes his Physics exam, the second exam for the afternoon, and submits it to Sir Bert. Sir Bert nods as he receives the test paper from the confident boy and immediately starts checking Grayson’s test paper.

Grayson turns to return to his seat but is immediately met with the sight of Ms.V already standing in front of his armchair, waiting with test paper in hand. Grayson hurriedly takes his seat. Ms.V looks down at the boy and hands him his test paper.

“Mr. Blanco,” Ms.V calls Grayson’s attention.

“Yes Ms.V?” Grayson asks.                                                          

“Impress me,” Ms.V challenges with serious eyes.

“Yes Ms.V,” Grayson replies in an equally serious tone as he begins answering the test.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now