Another Announcement

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The Greenvale High Seniors quickly make their way into the school gym. They see the peculiar formation of armchairs in the center of the school gym and the empty long table in the sidelines. Their attention is soon called onstage where Ms. Heidi has rejoined the principal and the faculty.

“Greenvale High Seniors, good afternoon! Thank you for waiting patiently for the results. I know all of you are anxious so I’ll hand the mic over to Sir Bert Gomez and he’ll be the one to make the announcement,” the principal says over the mic.

The seniors begin to get restless as they hang on every word spoken into the mic. They want to know.

“Thank you Mr.Hidalgo,” Sir Bert thanks the principal as he takes over the mic, then he turns to the eager seniors on the floor.

“Greenvale High Seniors! As you know, Mr. Grayson Blanco, entered the gym at 7:30 AM to start taking the test in behalf of your entire senior batch. He sat there in that chair for 8 and a half long hours surrounded by your subject teachers,” Sir Bert points to the armchair formation behind the students. The Greenvale High Seniors turn to look at the unusual armchair formation in the center and begin nodding their heads and talking.

*Urhem* Sir Bert clears his throat to silence the now murmuring students. “As I was saying, your teachers have already finished checking his papers and I will let them make the announcement personally. Remember, Mr.Grayson Blanco needs to get a score of 90 or above to pass. Meaning, if he gets a score of 89 and below for even a single subject, all of you don’t graduate,” Sir Bert explains seriously as he hands over the mic to the first teacher beside him.

The Greenvale High Students gasp, trying to maintain their silence as they wait for the start of the announcement of grades.

“For English, Mr. Grayson Blanco most certainly passed. He got a score of 93,” Ms. Eva announces with a happy smile. She looks at Grayson who is nodding his head in thanks. The Seniors clap and cheer.


 That’s one!

“For  El Filibusterismo, Mr.Blanco passed with a score of 96,” A young Ms. Pilar tells the anxious Seniors. Grayson nods, he is excited.

The Greenvale High Seniors keep their celebration short. They don’t want to drag this on any longer than it has to be, but they also simply cannot contain their nervous emotions and relief every time a grade is announced. The announcement of grades continues with Sir Johnny now holding the mic.

“Mr. Blanco’s program worked as it should without any bugs so he passed Computer Programming with a score of 100,” Sir Johnny informs the excited Seniors. Grayson takes a deep breath as Sir Mark takes the mic.

“As for Accounting, Mr. Blanco – Passed with a score of 92,” Sir Mark states. Grayson smiles as he exhales in relief.

“ Grayson passed Values Education with a score of 95,” Ms. Amy announces. Grayson smiles at the kind teacher.

“ Economics— Grayson’s score is 97. He passed,” Sir Warren states. Grayson nods, looking more serious as he awaits the next announcement.

All eyes are once again on Sir Bert Gomez who has the mic. He is going to make the 7th announcement.

“Mr. Grayson Blanco, you worked so hard on this. You got a score of 91 in Physics. You passed. Good work Grayson,” Sir Bert smiles at Grayson.

Grayson lets out a Yes, under his breath and nods at Sir Bert in thanks.

Everyone is keeping count. Sir Bert has already made the seventh announcement of Grayson’s seventh passing grade. This means that there is only one subject left— Ms.V’s— and it’s Calculus. Everyone gasps as Ms.V takes the mic. She is the only one left onstage who hasn’t given her score yet. Many students close their eyes, but Grayson doesn’t blink. He is ready for the announcement. He has given his all studying for the exams this past two weeks. He did his best. He is willing to accept whatever the test result is. He is prepared.

The Calculus teacher begins to speak. The sound of her voice sends fear into the hearts of all the Greenvale High Seniors.

“I hate cheating and I hate cheaters more. This past two weeks your batch has been given a second chance through Mr.Blanco,” her voice sounds so cynical. Erin looks intently on her favorite teacher and at the very tense boy onstage.

“Early this morning, I challenged Mr. Grayson Blanco to impress me,” she continues.  

The Greenvale High Seniors hold their breaths in stress-filled anticipation. The terror teacher looks down at the Greenvale High Seniors with her upturned nose as she continues.

“And this afternoon, as much as I hate to admit it— I am – impressed. 90. He passed. You’re going to graduate,” Ms.V states in a matter of fact way with a slightly smug smile in the end as she turns her head to look at the relieved and elated Grayson who now is throwing his clenched fists in the air and shouting, “YEEES!”

The whole gym erupts in a roar of cheers and shouts of elation and relief. Overwhelmed by their emotions, some students even cry. Lisa gives Clifford her handkerchief.


Erin is in front, she is covering her mouth, holding back the tears. She is speechless. Her eyes meet Grayson’s. Grayson runs down the stage, looks her in the eyes and tells her, “We did it.”

Erin nods. “You did it,” she says.

“Thanks to you… I love you my Ms.Valedictorian.”

“I love you too my Mr.Cheater.”

Grayson wipes away the tears from Erin’s eyes holds her face softly in his hand and kisses her.

Howls can now be heard mixed with all the loud cheering.

The teachers on stage give the Seniors a standing ovation.

Sir Bert gives Ms.V a nod.

The strict middle aged spinster nods back still with her nose in the air. She joins in on the applause congratulating the Greenvale High Seniors.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now