The Gates Open

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While their champion is inside the Greenvale High gym taking the test for all of them, the seniors are outside waiting anxiously. The Greenvale High Seniors have been waiting for eight and a half long hours— everyone is excited and nervous.

*Tak— Tak— Tak—Tak…*

They hear footsteps coming. Someone has come from the gym and is now making his or her way to the front of the main building where the seniors are waiting. Everyone turns to face the main building, their eyes fixed on the building’s gate.

*Ka-Chlack!* The gate is unlocked from the inside. The steel gate slowly lurches forward making a creaking sound.

The crowd stirs. At the front, Erin stands. Others follow her lead. Almost all of the Greenvale High Seniors are now standing in front of the gate when Ms. Heidi steps out.

“Greenvale High Seniors, please come with me to the gym,” Ms.Heidi says in a strong yet sultry way. The male students fall all over themselves as they make their way towards the entrance. Ms. Heidi leads the way. She looks sexy in her form fitting skirt suit and very high heels. Following close behind her is Erin— and behind her, Lisa elbows an ogling Clifford.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now