Thank God for Lunch Breaks

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Inside the gym, the atmosphere is very different. The entire gym is quiet. Members of the faculty only speak when necessary. Grayson finishes his Values Education test, it’s his 5th for the day, and hands it to Ms. Amy. After which, he returns to his seat in the center of the 8 teacher formation. He waits for the next teacher to give him his next test; instead Sir Bert stands up from one of the corner seats.

“It’s lunch time. Mr.Blanco, you will be given 1 hour for your lunch break but you are not allowed to leave the gym,” Sir Bert says.

“Uh, Sir, I kinda don’t have my lunch with me so—” Grayson tries to reason but is interrupted by Sir Bert.

“—so, I have asked your class valedictorian to bring you something for lunch,” Sir Bert continues with a smile.

Just then, Erin comes inside the gym bringing a couple of paper bags with her.

The faculty members stand from their seats and join the principal and his secretary at their long table at the sidelines. Then, the school cafeteria staff come in with trays in their hands and set a buffet for the administrator and the faculty. The teachers socialize and enjoy themselves as they eat, almost forgetting the two students in the center of the empty basketball court.

“Looks like they forgot about us already,” Grayson jokes.

“Looks like it,” Erin smiles.

“Hi,” Grayson smiles back as he reaches for her hand.

“Hi,” she squeezes his hand but lets it go as she places the paper bags on the armchairs.

“I brought you these,” Erin says as she takes out the packed meals from the Retro Diner.

“Whoa, thanks!” Grayson says.

Grayson takes a bite out of his Retro Burger and takes a sip from his special chocolate shake. “This is probably the best burger out there, and this shake is so delicious! Thank you so much Erin,” He is clearly enjoying his meal.

“This is actually courtesy of the Greenvale High seniors,” Erin explains.

“Thank you Greenvale High Seniors!” he exclaims as he takes another sip.

Erin smiles as she takes a bite of her burger and takes a sip from her special Retro shake.

Both of them then grab a handful of french-fries but instead, they grab each other’s hand. They laugh a little too loud. Grayson and Erin realize that their voices have now reached the faculty table. They keep quiet and look at the teachers, expecting Ms.V to reprimand them. The teachers turn to face them but they just let it slide. Even Ms.V seems to not want to disturb the two students enjoying a good conversation and a good meal. The principal and the teachers smile amongst themselves and continue with their conversation.

The two students sigh in relief.

*Whew* “That was close,” Grayson comments.

“So, how do you feel about the morning set of exams?” Erin asks.

“It’s good. I mean, I’m confident with my answers,” Grayson replies.

“I’m glad. You still have a few more this afternoon,” Erin points out.

“I’m confident about this afternoon’s set of exams too,” Grayson says confidently.

“And why is that?” Erin asks.

“Because I have the beautiful Ms. Valedictorian as my tutor,” Grayson says with a smile.

“Oh, is that so,” Erin says playfully as her cheeks turn red.

“Why don’t we review?” Erin suggests.

“Let’s,” Grayson agrees, so they review their mnemonics and their concepts and some of the most important equations and methods.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now