Are You Ready?

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“Mr. Blanco? Are you ready?” Ms.V asks as she opens her box of colored chalks.

“Ah— Yes Ms.V,” Grayson’s voice trembles.

“It’s okay,” Erin assures the boy in a whisper. “She’s here to help,” Erin smiles.

After a while of writing down some concepts and equations on the board, Ms.V finally turns around to face the two students in front of her.

Grayson’s jaw drops, so does his pen. Ms. V is smiling. Grayson has never seen her like this before. She is glowing as she explains concept after concept, giving out equations and solving problems.

Before they know it, it’s already lunch time.

“Ms.Nieves, you can come with me to the cafeteria. My treat,” Ms.V invites the valedictorian. She then sees Grayson and adds with barely half the enthusiasm, “– oh, Mr.Blanco, you can come too, if you want.”

The wonders never seem to cease. In the cafeteria, everyone’s eyes are on them— on Ms.V. This reaction is only natural. How often can students see the cynical Calculus teacher eat with students in seemingly friendly company? The answer: Never— until now that is. This is Greenvale High history being made right now. Everyone knows it and they would like to bear witness to it. That’s why they collectively gawk at the trio.

At their table, Ms.V leads the conversation.

“Ah, Erin, so where do you plan on going to college?” Ms.V asks as she takes a bite out of her salad.

“I’m considering going to Rose Yard University. It’s –“ Erin gets interrupted.

“Great choice! My Alma Mater!” Ms.V exclaims in delight.

“I hear it’s a great school,” Erin comments.

“The best,” Ms.V adds. “I could write you a letter of recommendation, if you want. I know the dean there,” she continues.

“Thank you so much Ms.V. You are so kind,” Erin thanks her.

The entire hour went on like this. Grayson just sits quietly, eating his meal, listening to the two talk. He doesn’t want to mess around with such a fragile situation.

After lunch they return to the classroom to study some more. Before long, Grayson and Erin already have several pages of very crucial notes from the one and only Ms.V.

“So, I think that’s it. So, any questions?” Ms. V asks the two students.

Grayson and Erin look at each other before Erin speaks for both of them.

“No Ms.V. No questions. You’ve explained it perfectly well. Thank you,” Erin says sincerely.

“Thank you,” Grayson also thanks their generous teacher.

“No problem at all. You are very welcome Erin,” Ms. V smiles graciously. “—and Grayson,” she adds under her breath.

They walk her to the faculty room and as soon as the door closes, Grayson turns to Erin. He asks the question that has been nagging in his brain the entire day.

“What— just— happened?” the perplexed expression in his face is priceless.

Erin just laughs and smiles.

 “I’m serious. Who was that woman?” Grayson exclaims, clearly in disbelief of what transpired the entire day.

“Come one. Let’s go home,” Erin tells the still shocked boy.

Grayson was about to turn the corner to walk Erin over to the Greenvale High school bus when she interrupts him.

“Grayson? I’m not going to take the bus,” Erin says in her soft voice.

“Okay,” he replies in his.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now