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Overhead, the dark clouds start to converge, making it a lot darker than it should be. The orange glow of the sunset is soon covered by dark rain clouds. It starts with a trickle, hitting Erin’s face. It soon comes down pouring hard on them getting them all wet in an instant.

“I think we should go home,” Erin says. Worried by the rain, she tries to turn quickly but loses her balance. Grayson immediately gets off his bike to help Erin up. Grayson holds her hands, picking her up from the ground.

“Are you okay?” Grayson asks in a soft concerned voice.

“Uh-huh,” she nods. She looks up to see that Grayson is still looking at her. Their eyes meet. He squeezes her hands. She blushes. Her heart beats fast. The pouring rain trails down their heads, down to their faces and further down, drenching their already wet clothes.

“I missed you,” Grayson tells Erin.

Erin’s heart jumps at Grayson’s words. She nods.

He pulls her close to him by her waist. He traces the path of water down the side of her face with his finger and kisses her wet waiting lips.

She closes her eyes.

They kiss in the rain.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now