The Mob

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Just before reaching the main gate of Greenvale High, Clifford’s hostile voice stops him in his tracks.

“Why if it isn’t Grayson Blanco,” Clifford calls out as he approaches.

The Greenvale High Seniors have already been released from their Friday detention and for the first time since the announcement of their suspension, they see Grayson. In the past 5 days, their confused, frustrated and anxious minds have been molded and directed by Clifford to focus their anger and confusion towards one person, the person in front of them now— Grayson.

Grayson doesn’t say a word. He just faces them. He thinks about walking away but he is soon surrounded by his batchmates. They don’t like that they are being punished and that he isn’t. They don’t like that he is the cause that they are held inside the gym with nothing to do all day for the past five days and for the next five days for their last week in High School. They don’t like that their fate is tied with his. Their misdirected anger and frustration turn into loud mocking and jeering.

“Hey Mr. Cheater! Why is it that you’re not punished with us?!”

“Yeah Grayson? Why?”

“You’re the cause of all this!”

“You good for nothing—“

Their individual voices merge into a loud hate and anger filled chorus. The Greenvale High Seniors have turned into a mob and they have Grayson surrounded. 

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now