Lisa and Her Friends Collect Notes

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In the Greenvale High gym, where the seniors are spending their time doing mostly nothing, a girl gets up from her seat and walks to an eagle-eyed Ms.V. Ms.V is already looking at her when the girl approaches. The senior is asking permission from the infamous teacher to allow her to spread a message to the entire senior class. To do this, she needs to be allowed to roam the gym freely. Naturally, the terror teacher rejects the request of the student in front of her. This student is after all one of those who “cheated” which means that she needs to sit down, keep quiet and just take the punishment as it is. The girl was about to go back to her seat with a heavy heart when the Principal interrupts. Ms. V didn’t notice that the Principal has already arrived and is now standing beside her.

“Ah, my dear Ms. V, don’t be too hasty,” Principal Hidalgo tells the surprised teacher.

Ms.V wanted to protest but she decided not to say a word.

The white bearded principal then turns to the young girl. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. You go do what you want to do. You can ask a couple of your classmates too if you need any help— just keep it quiet,” the principal smiles as he tells the girl who now has a smile on her face.

After thanking the principal, she immediately heads straight to a couple of her girlfriends to brief them on her plan.

“Sir? Why did you approve her request?” Ms. V asks in disbelief.

“It’s a noble gesture. I think it makes them better. This is still part of their punishment,” Principal Hidalgo says wisely.

Ms.V doesn’t say a word. Not because she is intimidated by the principal, but because she sees the wisdom in his decision.

“Excuse me Mr. Hidalgo, it’s almost time for your meeting with the Freshmen faculty,” Ms. Heidi reminds the white bearded administrator.

“Ah, so it is,” Principal Hidalgo comments. “We better get moving then.”

Just before leaving, he leans over to Ms.V and says, “Remember Ms.V, we are here doing this to teach them a lesson. What they’re doing right now, is a valuable part of that lesson. Adios!” he leaves with a big smile as he leads his nurse-secretary by her waist.

Ms. V turns her gaze towards the seniors. There are now three girls moving about the floor freely, talking to each of the seniors glued to their seats. Every student that they talk to nods in agreement then takes out a piece of paper to write on. Sometimes, they even have to dart across the gym to collect from a senior who is raising the piece of paper in the air. It takes the three girls about an hour to go around the gym to talk to each one of the seniors and collect the folded up pieces of paper from them.

Lisa, the petite girl who thought this up after seeing Grayson eat alone under a tree, is very proud of herself— she smiles. She is now standing in front of Mr. Clifford Perez. Clifford ignores her. He looks away with a scowl. Lisa calls her two friends and they surround his armchair.

“Clifford—Cliff, please drop one in,” Lisa’s voice sounds calm and almost soothing but the way that she and her friends glare at him is unnerving.

Clifford’s hands move according to the basic human need for survival. His first instinct was to flee but the far scarier Ms.V is standing watch, so the only way out is to comply with the three girls who have him surrounded. He immediately rips out a page from his notebook, writes something down, folds it up and drops it in the plastic envelope the three friends are carrying around with them.

“Here, okay? Just leave me alone,” Clifford says with a slight shake in his voice.

“Thank you,” this small teenage girl’s angelic voice and smile belie the fact that they have just intimidated Clifford with just a look. Lisa and her two friends continue to collect notes from the rest of the Greenvale High Seniors who are much more willing and cooperative than Clifford Perez.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now