A Chance to Shower

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“Erin, Grayson, you two rest for a bit and eat lunch first before reading another page. Let’s eat.” It’s just about lunch time, Mr. Blanco invites Erin to stay for lunch.

“Thanks, Tito but I have to go home. Besides I only live across the street and maybe it’s better if I go so Grayson can have the chance to shower,” Erin politely refuses.

“Grayson, you still haven’t showered?! And with a lady present no less?” Mr.Blanco jokingly reprimands his son who by now is speechless.

Grayson tries to protest but all he could say was “But—.”

Erin just laughs with Mr. and Mrs. Blanco. “Bye tito, bye tita. I’ll be back after lunch.”

“Ok, Erin bye,” Mr. Blanco answers.

“See you later Erin,” Mrs.Blanco interjects as Mr.Blanco sees the sweet girl off.

“Hey, Grayson!?” Mrs.Blanco snaps at Grayson.

“Yes Mom?” he asks.

“Go take a shower— now!” Mrs. Blanco commands.

“Yeah, I’m going to—” Grayson says defiantly.

“Now,” Mrs.Blanco jokingly gets mad.

“Okay,” Grayson says as he marches to the bathroom.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now