A Crowd of Fans and Wellwishers

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The Blancos’ family car pulls up to the corner of the street a block away from Greenvale High. Grayson and Erin asked to be dropped off a block away so they can compose themselves as they walk.

Grayson and Erin thank Mr. Blanco for the ride and they start walking. They see a crowd of Greenvale High Seniors outside the main school gates. The seniors see them approaching and loud cheers begin drowning the sound of cars passing by. Banners wave in the air, carried by excited classmates. As they get closer they hear the crowd getting louder and louder. The cheers started out as a jumbled mess, each Greenvale High senior saying Good Luck or chanting his name.

Good Luck Grayson!


You can do it Grayson!



These are the same sentiments carefully written on the banners waving in the air. Grayson smiles at the sight of his supporters. He looks at Erin. She smiles right back at him. Grayson holds Erin’s hand as they make their way through the crowd to the school gates.

By the time that they reached the Greenvale High School gates, the cheers have already synced up and are alternating between two cheers. The Greenvale High Seniors are now chanting his name in unison.

Grayson!  Grayson! Grayson!

Which would periodically turn into a cheer of the target grade.

90! 90! 90!

Erin finds the chanting cute and sweet. She joins in to Grayson’s amusement. 


The Greenvale High School main gate is closed. The Seniors are outside cheering and the faculty are on the other side, waiting. Mr.Hidalgo and Ms. Heidi are in the middle. Beside them are Sir Bert, Ms. V and the rest of the faculty. They gathered from all the cheering that Grayson must already be here. They see the boy looking up at them from outside the school gates. He’s with the class valedictorian.

Mr. Hidalgo motions to Sir Bert to let the two students in. Sir Bert goes to the front gate where Grayson and Erin are. The chants get louder and louder as Sir Bert opens the gate.

“Hi. So are you ready?” Sir Bert asks.

“Yes sir,” Grayson and Erin nod.

“Okay then. That’s good. Good luck Grayson,” Sir Bert says as he escorts the two students to where the faculty is standing. Of all the faculty members, it is Ms.V who looks so intently on the two students approaching. Grayson and Erin meet her gaze. They understand what she’s thinking. She doesn’t have to say a word.


“Ah, you must be Grayson. Bid farewell to your adoring fans before we start your exam,” Principal. Hidalgo says with a smile.

Grayson turns around to face the Greenvale High Seniors who are still chanting his name. He waves at them and they roar. He is then led by Sir Bert and the other teachers to the school gym where he will stay until he finishes taking all the tests for all subjects. 

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now