Sir Bert's Idea

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A couple of pages and a few topics into the next chapter, Sir Bert, their Senior level coordinator and Physics teacher, arrives.

“So how’s the studying going?” Sir Bert asks, clearly concerned.

Grayson and Erin look at each other.

“It’s going…” Erin says with a nod and Grayson nods along.

“I mean, we did get to finish the entire coverage for the subjects last week, but that was only our first reading. We’re slowly making our way into our second reading for mastery— well to increase our chances of ever graduating,” Erin continues.

“Okay guys. I hear you,” Sir Bert nods. “Well I guess that is why I’m here,” he continues.

The question forms in Grayson and Erin’s confused looks.

“Follow me,” Sir Bert tells the two confused students.

Grayson and Erin grab their things and follow the Senior level coordinator out the library. They bid farewell to Ms.Teresa and make their way to an empty classroom— Erin’s classroom.

He asks the two students to take the two middle aisle seats in the front row as he stands in front of them.

“So here’s what I’m going to do. I will ask each of your subject teachers to give you a quick review of the topics included in their final exam coverage. Maybe 2 hours would be enough per subject right? Well, depending on the subject. I’ll try to get each of them to agree to this plan,” Sir Bert exclaims. “Though getting Ms.V to do this will be tricky,” he thinks aloud.

“Anyway, shall we begin?” he excitedly asks the two students who are quick to agree.

“Yes sir!” Grayson and Erin respond.

“Very well then,” Sir Bert says as he grabs a chalk to begin writing on the blackboard behind him.

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