How the Miracle Happened

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Earlier this morning:

Erin wakes up from her bed thinking about Calculus. She thinks that she can tutor Grayson competently enough to give him a fighting chance come tomorrow’s final exam. She allows herself to think that but her confidence wanes as she thinks about how much better it would be if Ms. V would just help them out by tutoring them even for an hour. It would really help them out by limiting the focus of the topics. They may even get some specific pointers about the exams that would give Grayson that extra edge to pass. These are Erin’s thoughts as she prepares herself for school this morning.

On the way to school, she stares blankly outside the school bus window, her mind still trying to figure out what to do. Just before reaching school, she gets an idea. Getting off the Greenvale school bus, she immediately makes a beeline to the faculty’s office. She knocks on the door. Sir Bert is the one to open it for her.

“Good morning Sir Bert,” she greets him with a very optimistic smile.

“Good morning Erin. So what can I help you with?” he asks.

“Uhmm, is Ms.V already in?” she asks, her smile as optimistic as ever.

“Ah, she’s not yet here. Once she arrives I’ll ask her again for you. Maybe this time, she’ll change her mind,” he offers.

“Ah, It’s okay sir, I wanted to talk to her myself,” she explains.

“Hmmm… Maybe that is the way to go. It’s a wonderful idea Ms.Nieves. Okay come in, you can wait at her desk,” he concedes as he invites her in the faculty room.

The faculty room is a strange place for students to be in. It’s the biggest room at the corner of the second floor. There are no division, no partitions, no cubicles. It’s really just a big room full of teacher’s tables and of course— teachers. It’s a mix between a lounge and an office. In the corner are large leather cushion sofas surrounding a couple of glass coffee tables. There is also a mini kitchen with a full sized fridge, a microwave, a coffee maker and a water dispenser.

Erin walks in and greets all the teachers there with a smile. They smile back. It’s a pleasant experience for her— she is after all the class valedictorian. She has excelled in each of their subjects. She has nothing to fear nor has she anything to be ashamed of. Had she failed many of her classes, been consistently at the bottom of class because she doesn’t apply herself or had been caught cheating, this would be a totally different experience. She would’ve felt afraid, uneasy and ashamed at the same time. It would have been like a mouse crossing into cat territory.

At that moment, Clifford walks in. He looks different than his usual overly confident cocky self. His shoulders are hunched. His head is low. He has a stooping appearance about him that is not typical of him. Erin observes this boy as he opens the door, awkwardly making his way towards Sir Bert. Clifford, greets the teachers with an awkward smile and shifty eyes.

“Ah, Clifford, just the student I wanted to see,” Sir Bert acknowledges the boy.

“If you’ll excuse me Erin, I need to talk to Mr. Perez,” Sir Bert excuses himself.

Erin smiles and thanks him. She is now sitting at Ms. V’s table, waiting patiently for her. A couple of minutes pass and Clifford is already making his way towards the exit, still with his uncharacteristic stooped posture about him. He opens the door quickly to let himself out of what he considers the most uncomfortable room in the entire Greenvale High campus.

“Watch where you’re going Mr.Perez!” Ms. V protests as Clifford almost walks into her. In his haste and in general terror of the teacher in front of him, Clifford drops the piece of paper Sir Bert handed him. Ms.V’s voice resonates inside the large faculty room. Everyone stops for a second but soon resumes whatever it is their doing. They have already gotten used to her banshee-like nature.

“I’m sorry Ms. V,” Clifford scrambles to get the paper from the floor. It reads Greenvale High Graduation Songs on its header. He quickly stands, looking like he is hunched over lower than is humanly possible as he apologizes to the offended teacher.

Ms. V turns her nose and walks towards her table where Erin sits waiting.

Erin stands to greet Ms. V as she reaches her table.

“Good morning Ms.V,” she greets the already irate teacher pleasantly.

“Hrm. Good morning,” Ms. V greets back with a stop.

“Please sit down Ms.Nieves,” Ms.V sounds more welcoming now as she sits down.

“So, what can I do for you?” Ms.V asks accommodatingly.

“It’s about the final exam tomorrow Ms.V, I’m having trouble tutoring Calculus to the student taking the test tomorrow. I can’t teach Calculus as effectively as you can, no one can.” Ms.V begins to listen intently.

“You have been my favorite teacher and now that I am graduating, I would miss listening to your lectures about this mind expanding subject.” The entire faculty begins to listen in, including Sir Bert.

“It would bring me so much joy if I were to listen to your lecture once more before I graduate, Ms.V. I know I wouldn’t encounter another great teacher such as yourself ever again. You are after all, the one and only Ms.V, my favorite teacher,” Erin smiles anxiously yet somehow still optimistically as she awaits the teacher’s reply.

Ms.V closes her eyes and inhales deeply. All the teachers hold their breaths. They brace themselves for an onslaught of reprimands. Ms.V opens her eyes. She lets out a sigh, looks at Erin and smiles.

“It feels real nice to be appreciated. Thank you so much Ms.Valedictorian. I’ve always known that you were the brightest in your batch. Trust me, I knew right from the start that you would be a dazzling diamond shining brightly amongst dirty coals,” Ms.V says, beaming with pride.

The teachers gasp. A coffee mug breaks as Ms.Pilar forgetfully drops it in shock.

“Thank you so much, Ms. V. Truly, thank you,” Erin sincerely thanks the reformed teacher.

“So, shall we go?” Ms. V prompts as she grabs a box of white and colored chalks from her drawer, her lesson plan and her bag.

Everyone’s eyes follow the two as they exit the faculty room. No one says a word. They’ve just witnessed a miracle.

Sir Bert is at his desk, smiling.

“You ARE one bright girl Ms.Nieves,” he says to himself.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now