Ms.V Still Says "No"

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“What are we going to do Erin? Ms.V just wouldn’t help us with Calculus?” Grayson asks in a worried tone.

“Well, I guess we’ve studied enough the past week. Maybe we can try and focus on the special topics tomorrow on our own,” Erin tells Grayson, trying to sound confident.

“Yeah I guess you’re right,” Grayson agrees as they part ways.

Erin gets on the Greenvale High school bus and Grayson walks down the street.


Later that night, Grayson gets nervous about studying Calculus on their own instead of with their teacher. His lowest grade is in Calculus. Though he may not have a failing mark in any of the previous grading periods, he did twice get grades lower than 80— in CALCULUS. Grayson decides that the only way to increase his chances of passing the final test is to get as much studying in before the final review session tomorrow. He stays up late struggling to review Calculus concepts and solving problems on his own. 

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now