Laughter Ensues

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Sunday— the next day, after eating breakfast, Erin grabs her pencil case and notebooks before going out their door.

“Mom, dad, I’m going to Grayson’s,” Erin informs her parents who are still at the breakfast table.

“Ok Erin,” her dad answers with a smile.

“You two have fun,” her mom adds.

Erin crosses the street and rings the door bell at Grayson’s house.


Erin expected Mrs. Blanco to answer the door but this time, it is a well-groomed Grayson who opens the door for her.

“Good morning tutor,” Grayson greets Erin.

“Uh— hi,” Erin coldly answers with a half smile.

Erin still feels awkward being a little too chummy with Grayson. Grayson too feels that this whole thing is awkward. Had this been 8, 7 or even 5 years ago, everything would have been okay – but it’s happening now, and everything is different – yet, both of them can’t deny that it feels so familiar.

Grayson accompanies Erin to the living room area. He has already set up the red binder, their school books and – his notes (not that they’ll be able to use HIS notes because Erin has brought along hers) and a pitcher of fresh fruit juice.

“Okay Grayson, let’s get to studying. I’ve already made a study schedule leading up to the exam. If we follow this, I’m sure you’ll pass,” Erin says confidently as she sits down.

“That’s good to hear,” Grayson replies as he pours fresh juice into two glasses.

“Uh— thanks,” Erin answers as Grayson gives her a glass.

For the rest of the day, they study without any distraction. Grayson’s parents don’t dare disturb the two who are in such an intense study mode— but, every once in a while, Grayson steals a glance at the girl teaching him and smiles to himself. Erin catches Grayson every so often, but ignores it— ignores him. She is after all there to tutor the Greenvale High Seniors’ champion, their only hope. There is a lot hanging on this, including her valedictory award. Erin busies herself with making summaries, creating bullet points, topic headings, mnemonics and even practice tests.

“#cheating? I mean, really?” Grayson exclaims in disbelief. He suddenly remembered the events on Friday as he sits back on the sofa.

Erin looks up from her notes, takes a deep breath, sits back and answers, “I know, right?”

They look at each other and burst out laughing.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now