Trials Overcome

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The next day, the Greenvale High Seniors are once again back in the school gym, this time instead of frowns and scowls, they are all wearing smiles on their bright happy faces. They are not summoned there to spend a day in detention, they are gathered there to mark a milestone in their lives— Graduation.

Their white togas and caps over their uniforms turn them into a sea of white, pulsating with excitement. The students quiet down as the Principal introduces this year’s guest speaker.

“He is an alumnus of Greenvale High School and was their class valedictorian. You all know him as the fair and kind Physics teacher and Greenvale’s youngest ever Senior Level Coordinator. Your speaker is no other than Mr. Robert Gomez. Sir Bert.” The excited students are surprised and impressed at the introduction. They clap as Sir Bert positions himself behind the lectern.

“— It’s been 12 years since the last time I’ve talked in front of graduates. The first one was during my own graduation. I have to say it’s nice,” Sir Bert smiles. “It sure is great passing on the torch to you, the younger generation. In this past few years, especially this past year, you have been taught by your teachers in school, by your families at home, by your friends, by chance encounters and most especially, by your own experience. You now have a binder full of wisdom. That is high school. That is life. Every experience makes you grow. Never stop growing. Grow stronger. Grow wiser. Grow brighter. Grow happier. Just grow. And when the time comes, when you’ve grown into your best self, remember to pass it on. From the past, to the future— Good Luck,” Sir Bert seems to smile at Grayson and Erin as he returns to his seat on stage.

As the class valedictorian, Erin is seated in the rightmost seat of the first row, behind her is Grayson. He is seated in the second row because his family name starts with a “B.” She turns to look at Grayson. Their eyes open wide and their jaws drop in disbelief as they look at each other. They just  smile. They cannot find the words.

“Erin? Erin?” her seatmate calls her attention.

“Uh… What is it?” Erin replies blankly.

“Uhm, the principal just introduced you. You’re supposed to give a speech,” the seatmate points out.

With that, Erin snaps out of her trance. She composes herself and elegantly goes up the stage. She nods at Sir Bert and Ms. V who are seated with the rest of the faculty.

“The first time we entered the gates of Greenvale High, we were younger, we were much more awkward. We were still naïve little children. We’ve made mistakes along the way and have become who we are now because of our actions. We are who we are because of our decisions and actions every single day. Mistakes and discoveries shape us through experience. Their consequences teach us and make us better. Greenvale High is our home. Our teachers, you are our family here. We may not always see eye to eye on some things but isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? Doesn’t a parent need to scold a child to instill a life lesson? So our dear educators, We are sorry for our mistakes and thank you. Thank you so much. We will never forget you,” Erin looks at the faculty on stage with her as the graduates applaud in agreement. All the teachers smile and beam with pride.

“Looking around, I no longer see little girls and little boys. I see young men and women both sad and happy. We are sad because high school is over. We had so much fun here. But we are happy because we made it. We are happy and grateful to you our parents our families.” The Greenvale High Graduates applaud and cheer their parents and families. “It saddens me to leave this place— our home, but I know that whenever I think of Greenvale High I’ll always think about our batch, we the Greenvale High Graduates. I’ll always think of friendships broken and rekindled, of love discovered,” Erin looks at Grayson, he smiles. “Of new friends made at the last moment,” Lisa and Clifford look at each other. “Of trials faced and overcome,” All the Greenvale High Graduates nod. “Our shared experience and the bright future still waiting for us. Greenvale High Seniors, Graduates, thank you for being my batch mates, thank you for the experience. Thank you for everything and Good luck to us all!”

The Greenvale High Graduates applaud their valedictorian with a standing ovation. They are then called one by one up the stage to receive their High School diplomas. When Grayson and Erin’s names are called, the happy graduates cheer and clap as loud as they can. They are grateful to their Mr. Cheater and Ms. Valedictorian.

Mr. Cheater and Ms.Valedictorian (20,000 words, English)Where stories live. Discover now